Page 44 of Rebellious Reign

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“No, Brigette will see,” she says.


“She suspects me—I’m sure of it. She’s been giving me looks lately, and now, I can’t find my phone.”

“Your phone?”

“I think she took it. I think that’s why Connor is talking to Geo.”

“Okay,” I say. “New plan: we head out the back door toward the pool and then circle around to the garage.”

She bites her bottom lip nervously, and I open my bedroom door. The house is silent, and we start our journey to the garage. My heart is pounding by the time we are outside. I expected more resistance, but it was easy. Almost too easy. We scoop up her bag and quickly get in my car. I watch the garage door open soundlessly before us.

“Where am I taking you?” I ask, looking over at her.

She’s bathed in darkness and shadows, and I wonder briefly if I’m making the right decision. I should take her back to Connor. Not that she would willingly go at this point. But the desire to contact Ruby through her is too much to ignore.

“Bus station. I’m going back to Chicago.” She sounds resigned, as if she doesn’t want to, and I remember what she said about running away.

“Why can’t you run away?” I ask, trying to figure her out.

“There’s no out, Wryn. If I ran, they would find me and kill me. They don’t let their people walk out the door without consequences.”

“It doesn’t make any sense. Fernando got out.”

“Yeah, my father made sure he had the protection of another boss. My mother and I weren’t so lucky.” She sounds bitter, and I think I would be too. “Viktor would make an example of me if I tried to run. He has eyes everywhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has another set of eyes around here somewhere.”

“So, you showing up at the club that night with those men wasn’t a coincidence?”

“No, it was planned. Everything is planned.”

“What have you told Viktor about us?”

“He first wanted me to send him Connor’s records, but I could never get into his office. So, he settled with me getting you in contact with him.”

“Makes sense. He asked the same of me.”

“Did you do it?” Francesca asks.

I sense her eyes on me as I drive toward Heywood. I don’t want to admit it. I don’t want her to know that I’m a disloyal bitch, so I don’t say anything. She doesn’t ask again. I watch her jiggle her leg out of the corner of my eye as I drive. Her nerves are palpable. I can taste the panic in the air. I almost look over my shoulder and expect to see Connor barreling toward us, but all is calm on the road.

“I’m sorry,” Francesca murmurs.

I purse my lips. I want to say she’s forgiven, that I’m not the one she needs to apologize to, that I’m in the same boat as her.

“I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it for Ruby,” is what I say instead. “We are getting you back to Chicago, and I’ll take care of the rest. But I expect your cooperation and your help, if it ever comes down to it.” Not that I plan on seeing her again.

And Francesca didn’t do the damage by sending Viktor information. I did. I should be the one to take care of it. Francesca is trying to survive. But I also know that there is always a game to play.

“You have it. I owe you, and I am on your side.”

We will see how much her word means.

We pull up at the bus station, and I park. Francesca climbs out before I can say anything, her bag in hand as she stands beside my car. I get out and shut the door. I follow her into the station and wait as she buys a ticket. Then, we face each other, and I reach out, pulling her into a hug.

Everyone makes mistakes, and I know she didn’t mean to get pulled into all of this. Just like I never meant to. Life has a funny way of working out.

“Let me know when you make it.”
