Page 77 of Rebellious Reign

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“I’ve got her,” he says.

All the hope I had is draining out of me. There’s no ambulance in sight and no Connor or Geo.

I can only save myself so many times. And it looks like I’ve run out of those times. I slump in Frank’s arms, and he grunts at the extra weight I’ve foisted on him. I keep my feet dragging on the floor. I’m trying to hold onto every moment I have left in this house.

He pulls me back down the stairs, and my eyes fall on Miss Lulah. She’s lying still, her eyes closed, and blood is trickling down to her right side. The knife is still in her side, and I realize that’s the best-case scenario, as it’s keeping most of her blood in.

If only the damn EMTs would get here. She needs fucking help. More than me.

“Took you long enough,” the guy says as he stands outside the back door.

It’s as if he doesn’t even notice that an elderly woman is lying there, dying in a pool of her own blood. What kind of monsters are they?

“She’s slippery,” Frank says, drawing a chuckle from the other man.

I hate them both. I start to kick and writhe as I’m drawn out of the house and farther away, toward a vehicle waiting at the curb.

“Quit it, damn it. Stop moving.”

I don’t stop moving. A car passes us, and I scream at it, hoping the person stops. But they don’t. I don’t know if I would either after seeing Frank and the other douchebag. They are big and imposing and give offdon’t fuck with mevibes.

I wish I didn’t have to deal with them either. I got too comfortable. I should have kept moving, not stayed the night and put Miss Lulah in danger. She’s going to die because of me.

I’m shoved into the back of a car. Frank climbs in beside me and then pulls some zip ties out of his pocket.

“Forgot about these,” he muses as he wrenches my hands behind my back, and I’m once again bound. “There. Don’t try anything.”

He sits back, and I let my head droop. I’m exhausted and tired of fighting.

The other guy climbs in the front seat and pulls us away from the curb. A horn honks behind us as he cuts a car off. I don’t even look. It doesn’t matter anymore.



“Fucking people don’t know how to drive anymore,” Geo mutters as we pull into a spot in front of Miss Lulah’s house.

“Let’s get inside before we are seen,” I say, opening my door quickly and then striding toward the front door.

Geo follows, and we wait after I knock. Nothing.

“I don’t like this.” I tell him.

“Me neither. Go around back.”

We head around the side of the building, and I see Miss Lulah’s bright yellow car sitting where she always has it parked.

“Her back door is open,” Geo says, pointing.

I take off at a run. I stop at the doorway and survey the scene in front of me.

“No, no, no!” I fall to my knees, touching Miss Lulah’s wrist.

She still has a pulse. It’s faint, but it’s there. She’s getting colder.

Geo is already on the phone with 911 behind me. Lulah needs immediate medical attention, and I don’t care if it involves the law once she gets to the hospital. I would never leave her here to bleed out. Not after everything she’s done for me.

“Stick with me,” I murmur, trying not to move her much. I don’t know if it will dislodge the knife at all.
