Page 45 of Tearing You Apart

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And neither did I. I was already gone. Whatever Cat wanted, I was her willing slave. I didn’t care how pathetic and debased it made me. I was following her.

I matched Bunny’s glare. I wasn’t letting her stop me when I was so close to Cat, when her heavy breasts had pressed against my chest, gazing at me, her eyes full of promise. “Unless you plan on making a scene.”

I was happy to push her. Bunny might be famous for her little outbursts, but they were always strategic. She’d threatened me before, but I wondered how everyone at her precious Foundation would react if ‘the happy couple’ fought in the middle of the ballroom.

“You’re the worst.”

“Don’t pretend you wouldn’t be doing the same thing if this party — sorry, fundraiser — wasn’t so important to your image. You forget, sweetheart, you need me too.”

In this moment, with Cat walking away, calling me with her bedroom eyes, I didn’t care about Clutch, Bunny, or whatever I was supposed to be gaining from this stupid gala.

“Don’t get caught.” She glowered, like she hadn’t already picked her own lover for the night.

She sauntered off like she didn’t care, unruffled by the fact her fiancé was on his way to seduce the woman who’d been driving him crazy for weeks. I’d go to hell for this, but it’d be worth it.

I got across the room with only an angry look from Dom, who’d been keeping his eye on me since I took Cat away. From the whispers and looks I was getting from other guests, he wasn’t the only one who had noticed what was going on, but I wasn’t bothered. Bun seemed to be having fun with another guy, and if Cat and Dom really were together, she wouldn’t have offered me a tempting invitation.

I burst through the archway, tension rising as I entered an endless corridor with more doors than I could count. How was I supposed to find her without her tantalising tail to follow? I took a chance and turned right, striding down the dimly lit passage.

Every door was the same: wooden with golden handles and fittings, separated by large paintings of woodlands, waterfalls, and sunlit groves. Gold light fixtures cast an intimate glow down the corridor, and pots with slender bushes reaching above my head filled spaces between cabinets holding intricate vases and sculptures. It was just a corridor. Even though the beauty of each thing by itself was startling, shoved into a space like this, it became grotesque. It was excessive, showing off all your possessions like a museum rather than a home.

I slammed to a halt as I spied it. A small black thong, hanging off the end of a handrail, which disappeared up the flight of stairs on my left, only two doors down from me. I was instantly there, letting out a stuttered breath as I peeled it off. I lifted it to my nose, closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. Her musk filled my senses, and a moan escaped my lips. Memories were nothing compared to the real thing.

I swallowed before looking up the staircase. It was enclosed, with more pictures hanging along the walls. Thick red carpet lined the steps, and the handrail was solid wood. I didn’t know what I would find up there, but I wasn’t giving up. I started to climb.

I might be completely fucking up my life. It could be a trick. She could be trying to get revenge for what happened all those years ago. I didn’t care. She’d already left me her thong. The promise of what lay at the top of the stairs was too much to resist.

I found myself in another corridor, only this time, my destination was clear. One door was open, light shining from it like a beacon guiding me home, or a siren calling me to my death. But I couldn’t resist.

I took a breath, preparing for anything, before I stepped inside.

I’d entered Atlantis. The bathroom was insanely over-decorated and lush like the rest of the house. The floors, sinks, and bath were all deep-blue marble crossed with silver streaks, like mercury spilled over a clear summer sky. Over the sink sat a golden oval mirror, and there she was, like Venus, perched on a deep-blue cabinet behind the door, right next to me in the mirror, challenging me with a smile.

Legs crossed, the beads spread to show the hem of her dress had ridden up, a wisp of dark chestnut hair peeking through at the crease of her thighs.

How many times had I imagined this moment? Her presenting herself to me like icing on a cake — ready to be licked and savoured?

The anticipation was killing me. I pushed the door closed, clicking the lock as I faced her.

The need, the urgency of it, I was practically vibrating. How I managed not to leap on her, I’ll never know. I loved the primal knowledge sitting deep in my body that I was hers to command. I wanted her to strip me down and have her way with me. She just needed to say the word.

Cat was examining her nails, acting bored, as if we had all the time in the world. She looked up, the tip of her tongue tracing her lips, giving herself away.

When I wasn’t panting like a bitch in heat, I preferred a slow, leisurely kind of lovemaking, but I was close to snapping, releasing all this pent-up energy by grabbing her and fucking her against the wall.

She shifted her legs, opening them and leaning forward, the beads slipping over her thighs to hide her pussy while the top of her dress rode down. I nearly lost it.

She was so close. Why did this keep happening? These moments when it was only a step or two keeping us separated. I needed to touch her. I had to feel her skin, or I was going to break.

I lifted her thong, with the string that was still warm from her hip threaded over my finger. “You forgot these.” I lifted a brow.

She laughed, the beads hanging from her breasts shaking. Finally. A laugh for me. Not one of the millions she’d poured on Dom, but mine.

“And here I thought a devotee would be honoured to own a piece of his goddess.”

In those minutes we were apart, I’d been craving her inviting purr that always caused my cock to throb. Not the one she used in public, her business voice, but the one she used before she became unhinged.

I lifted her thong to my nose, showing her how much I loved her gift. Her lips parted, a gentle flush of heat riding her cheeks as her eyes followed my hand. I rubbed my nose against the silky fabric, consumed by her scent.
