Page 60 of The Highest Bid

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“You can have lunch with anyone, but not with my sister. Get up, Evangeline. We’re leaving.” Frederic grabs Evangeline’s forearm forcefully, and with a harsh pull, she’s on her feet. She winces, and her eyes stare my way. So much fear is in those beautiful brown eyes. My biceps flex with the adrenaline coursing through them. My breathing is loud, and I’m not picking up on Moreen attempting to do damage control.

I only see Frederic and the tight, controlling grip he has on Evangeline’s arm. It takes me but a second, and I’m in his face, breathing harshly. His brown eyes are filled with anger, and his nostrils are flaring.

“Chester,” Prescott says, but fuck, does he need to shut up. I stare into Frederic’s eyes, and with every passing second, I only grow more agitated. That man is set to ruin Evangeline’s life, and she deserves the freaking best. I won’t watch him tear her future to pieces.

I won’t.

He pushes his shoulder into mine forcefully, trying to agitate me more, and it fucking works because my fist clenches tightly, and I envision it repeatedly hitting his face. I see the blood pouring out of his nose. I see his eyes closing shut, but most of all, I hear him begging.

“You’re not going to marry off your sister,” I whisper-yell at him.

“It’s already happening,” Frederic says, raising his chin. He clearly doesn’t possess an ounce of sympathy or love when it comes to Evangeline. It breaks my heart that she’s treated with so little respect.

“You fucking bastard. If she walks down that aisle, I’ll come for you.”

“I’ll be waiting,” he says, stepping back before grabbing Evangeline’s arm again. She tries to pull away from him, a painful wince taking over her face. I breathe out, feeling nothing but aggression fuelling my body and taking over my senses.

My fist hits him square against the jaw, making his face snap left while he staggers backwards. My knuckles instantly ache as I breathe through my teeth. I want to hit him again.

“Don’t fucking touch her,” I snarl at him, feeling not the least bit satisfied. Frederic slowly pushes back his shoulders and bares his teeth. He takes a threatening step forward, puffing out of his chest, and I copy his movements.

Frederic moves even closer, until his chest is against mine. I can see his jaw slowly turning red, and I hope like hell it’ll bruise.

“I decide what happens to my family. Not some pathetic daddy’s boy.”

“You selfish bastard. How fucking dare you let your sister fix the messes you created. You’re a disgrace. I wish your father could see what a weak-ass son you are,” I say, but Frederic only chuckles.

“My father was a disgrace, and I’m a product of my parents. I inherited not a penny,” he whispers back, making me frown for a second. What is he talking about? The Clairwaters were doing fine. Frederic’s father was a well-respected businessman.

“My sister will fucking marry Thomas Meyer, and that’s the end of it.” My arm flexes and before I can hit him again, I’m stopped. I’m pulled back forcefully and I try to worm my arm out of someone’s hold, but the person behind me is not budging. There’s only one man present who can take down multiple men at the same time.

“Prescott, let me fucking go.” I seethe with my eyes still stuck on Frederic as a winning smile takes over his face.

“I can’t, Ches. You have to stop.” My heart is racing, and I feel the need to fight off Prescott to get to Frederic. But you don’t win against Prescott, even when he’s in control. So I drop my shoulders and try to focus on my breathing.

“Let’s go, Evangeline,” Frederic orders, and quickly, my heart stops.


My eyes snap to hers. A defeated look is on her face, and that tremble in her lower lip guts me. Every. Single. Time.

“She’s not going anywhere,” I say. She turns her head slowly, and those beautiful, painful eyes connect with mine. A sad smile covers her face, but it only makes my fist itch even more. She walks towards me before standing in front of me.

A small hand drops on my chest where my racing heart lies. Her smile is gone. All her hope and joy are sucked out of her completely.

“It’s okay,” she whispers, before she kisses my cheek softly. I swallow loudly before nodding my head because we both know this isn't the end. Something is alive here, and we’re both going to discover what it is.

Her hand falls from my chest before she turns around and follows her brother out of The Rothshield. My adrenaline drops with the distance growing between us, but it also feeds my confidence and determination. There has to be a way out of this.

I’ll get my princess out of that high tower.



It’s quiet in the car. So quiet that I can hear the leather of my seat squeaking under me when I move. I’m perched upright with my hands in my lap. My muscles are stiff, and my limbs are frozen in place. I don’t dare to move because the monster next to me isn’t moving either.

I don’t want to wake him up from his trance. Frederic sunk so deep in his anger that he first needs to come to terms with what happened. But the longer he takes, the longer his anger can brew inside him. It’ll leave him soon, and I’ll be the one forced to endure it.
