Page 70 of The Highest Bid

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“Ikissed him,” I confess.

Everything that happened between Chester and me at my engagement party has been on my mind for almost a week now. It burns on my lips, and sometimes, I can still taste him. The happy, beautiful memory is stuck in my mind and I relive it quite often.

But my thoughts have been twisted and a heavy weight holds my shoulders down. My family taints my precious memory of him and me. Their betrayal has turned it dark and showed me how far they will go to make sure this arranged marriage takes place.

They lied and abused the love I have for my dad. Why didn’t they share the truth? Instead, they kept me in the dark to now suffer from their lie.

“Wait,” Topper says loudly and sits up straight. He raises both brows. “You thought I didn’t know?”

“You knew?” I ask, confused.

“Of course.” He drags the phrase out as if it’s obvious. I thought Topper was appointed to fetch me from the castle. I didn’t expect him to know who was inside that room with me.

“How did you know that?” He looks at me as if I’m kidding or being daft. Both could match his glance.

“You walked out of the room red as a lobster, breathing loudly, and I swear you were going to cum any second.” My mouth falls open in shock, and that exact flush spreads over my cheeks. The embarrassment is real when I try to imagine what I must have looked like.

If Topper caught it, I assume some of the other guests must have too. This is a nightmare, but as long as Frederic doesn’t suspect a thing, I won’t have to suffer through one of his scoldings.

I’m certain he would have had my head by now if he caught word of my walk of shame. Does it count as a walk of shame if nothing really happened?

“How was it?” Topper asks, fishing for some juicy gossip.

“Good.” I think back to the hungry kisses we shared. How his large cock was pressed against me. The thought of it makes me want to hide my face in a cushion. I still feel his heart beating against my chest. Loud and hard.

“Good?” Topper whispers, unsatisfied with my answer. “Good. You’re going with ‘good’? How boring.”

“What? You want me to tell you it was epic? That it was steamy hot, and I can’t stop thinking of his hard cock pushing against my pussy?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I want you to tell me.” A smile covers my face. It’s lovely to hear Topper’s joy and to understand some people will pick your side no matter what. He’ll support me, and I’ll be his number one cheerleader.

“I’ve never been kissed like that,” I confess. “All the other times I’ve been kissed feel lacklustre compared to this one.” I’ve had a few boyfriends, but none made me dream of kissing them like I dream of Chester devouring me. Kissing with them was just meh and sex wasn’t all that memorable. Topper groans loudly, covering his eyes with his hands.

“I miss being kissed.”

“You’ll meet the man of your dreams soon.” I smile at him, and as silence descends on us, I replay what happened at my engagement party with Chester.

Topper clears his throat and his face falls to a serious expression, so I straighten my back, preparing for my mood to crumble.

“What happens now?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, with my eyebrows dipping low.

“You’re engaged, Evangeline,” Topper reminds me, and I swallow the sour taste on my tongue. I nod my head and my happy mood is indeed tarnished. It kicks my house of cards down, and I’m trying my best to rebuild it. I decide to tell Topper what happened before that earth-shattering kiss.

“Bloody liars,” Topper says in shock, shaking his head out of disbelief, once my wounds have been reopened.

“I know,” I whisper, remembering my mum’s panicked eyes staring back at me when I shared what I had learned.

“What are you going to do now, sweets? You should flip them the bird and tell them to fuck off.”

“But I love them, Topper,” I whisper honestly. “I do. I don’t want them to lose everything.” They are my family and I hold on tightly to the love I have for my mother and father. I’m sure she lied for a reason because my mum is a good person. She showered me with kisses when I was young, was my number one cheerleader when I played tennis, and we dreamt together of a fairy-tale wedding with the love of my life.

I love her and I cannot stomach the thought of turning my back on my family and witnessing them lose everything.

“I don’t know what to do,” I say, my thoughts clashing and creating a headache that pushes against my temples. Topper smiles sadly at me before he runs his hand over my cheek.
