Page 80 of The Highest Bid

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I push open the heavy glass door. The lobby is almost empty, except for the secretary typing away at his desk. I approach him, and I only have to mention my name before he allows me to enter the office.

I take the lift and stare at my red cheeks in the mirror. My body is buzzing with excitement as well as with fear of failing.

I'll not let go of the possibility of a future with the man I’m falling deeply in love with. The idea of losing him hurts beyond words.

My heart beats for something else now, and I want nothing more than to keep it from dying. I want to dictate my future, and it doesn’t hold Thomas Meyer or a lifetime stuck in a cold, empty apartment as a housewife with three spoiled children.

The lift doors open, and the beautiful, old office comes into view. The renovators kept the old structure and tried to keep it authentic. The red brick walls are covered with black and white photos from the early days of the publishing company. The old window frames are reused.

I stop an employee, slaving away with files in her arms, and ask her where I can find my brother’s office. She points at the end of the hall and I follow her directions.

My heart pounds rapidly in my chest, and my hands are clammy. I try to swallow, but my mouth is extremely dry. They say to expect failure so that the disappointment won’t rule your mood. Yet, I can’t bring myself to assume it won’t work.

I tell myself repeatedly that Frederic would never agree to it, but still, a tingle runs over my spine. The unstoppable feeling of victory is already so present and that is the emotion I can’t suppress.

The brown double doors are at the end of the corridor, and my heart starts to beat even faster. The world is filled with disappointment, but there is also light in the darkness. I want this to be my light. Let it guide me to my dreams.

I breathe in deeply and close my eyes for a second before knocking on the door. I wait for Frederic’s loud voice, but nothing comes my way. So, I push open the door slowly and stick my head in to see if he’s there. It’s completely empty.

I sigh and my heart rate begins to lower. I step inside and make my way to his desk. His office offers a beautiful view of the park in front of the building. The sun shines through the windows and offers warmth.

As I take a deep breath and begin to sit down, my eyes peruse the papers on his desk. My breathing falters when I recognize my name. I stand up quickly and throw a glance at the door, hoping he won’t bust in and catch me red-handed.

With my heart racing, I tiptoe to his side of the desk. I examine the papers, realising it’s my marriage contract. My shoulders droop down in disappointment, but as I look up, my eyes widen as I scan the contents on his lighted-up computer screen.

I gasp when I read over it and my heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach.

Emails upon emails sent between my brother and Thomas Meyer but also… my mum. There’s no end to their correspondences, dating back to even before I returned to London.

They had this planned even before I was told the news. My hands shake when I scroll through them and I try to read as much as possible.

This is unbelievable. Frederic had me believing for weeks he was on the hunt for a possible fiancé, even though it was already set up. Thomas Meyer was picked months ago, right after Frederic lost the last of our money because of Chester.

My stomach tightens and a nauseous feeling falls over me. I’m going to be sick. Tears press against my eyelids because of the pain pushing against my chest.

Mum was in on this. It wasn’t just Frederic. Of course, it wasn’t, they’ve shown themselves to be the perfect team. I close the tab, and with my broken heart, I go back to my seat and cross my hands on my lap.

I hear the door open behind me and I straighten my back.

“What are you doing here, Evangeline?” Frederic asks, coming into view and sitting down behind his desk. His eyes flash to his screen and he sighs out of relief when he sees it’s blank.

He leans back in his brown leather chair. His hands lie on his desk, and he starts to fumble with a pen.

“Does it need to be Thomas Meyer?”

“Excuse me?” He blinks, confused.

“Do I need to marry Thomas Meyer? Can’t it be someone else?” Frederic groans.

“Evangeline—” He leans forward and straightens his back. His eyes pinch close, and his nostrils flare. “How many times do we have to discuss this? You’re going to marry him.”

“But can’t it be someone else?” I say confidently.

“No. The deal has been made,” he snarls, showing how quickly he’s grown agitated.

“What if I knew someone with a lot more money than my so-called fiancé? Someone who might be willing to marry me for the same conditions as the deal you made with Thomas.”

Am I grasping for straws? Am I delusional and ready to hear Frederic say how nuts I am?
