Page 100 of The Boy I Once Hated

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And before I’m able to stop him, his flat tongue swipes leisurely from the bottom of my slit right up to my clit.

“Oh God!” I sob out, my hands clenching at my sides as my ass arches off the edge of the couch.

He pulls away, his sea of blue in flames. He grabs a discarded pillow from the couch and lays it on my lap.

“Bite down on this, baby. Or don’t. I really couldn’t give a shit right now,” he threatens, his head going back to hiding in between my legs.

Not wanting Daisy to come back down, I grab the pillow and bite down on it, just as Noah sinks his teeth into my inner thigh. My eyes roll to the back of my head as he sucks at my flesh, leaving his mark before he attacks my pussy with his mouth again. The pillow muffles the loud wails that are ripped from my throat as his tongue lashes at my most private area, owning it completely. The pulse in my clit beats to the song his tongue is singing to it. His brow glistens with sweat, his eyes staring at me while he eats me out. It’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever experienced. When he sucks and nibbles at my clit, my back arches up again, only this time, Noah plants his hand on my stomach, preventing me from moving an inch. His fingers on my heated flesh feel incredible, but like this, his tongue’s ministrations are too much for me to bear.

“Noah!” I cry into the pillow.

This is what Icarus must have felt when he flew up into the heavens and touched the sun’s golden rays for the first time. My whole body explodes into a ball of light, feeling like I’ll never be able to go back after this. It takes forever to pry my eyes open, my limbs sated and weak after such an orgasm. When I’ve finally gained some composure, my lids flutter open, my eyes landing on the cause of such ecstasy.

Ever so silently, I watch in a daze as Noah gently pulls my panties and shorts back up. Once he’s made sure I’m properly dressed, he stands back up to his feet, his hard bulge twitching under his sweatpants right at my eye level. My tongue licks the seams of my lips before I crane my neck back to look up at him.

“Go to bed, Skylar,” he orders with a groan.

“Are you sure?” I whisper breathlessly, my eyes falling from his face to the way his cock twitches in his pants.

Another groan.

I bat my eyelashes at him, wanting to lavish him with the same pleasure he just gave me. But my words are stuck in my throat when he extends his hands for me to take. I plant my hands in his, and he lifts me up to my feet, our lips just a hair's breadth away from each other’s.

“You promised me a kiss,” I say on a ragged breath.

“You got one,” he retorts with a husky tone that sends shivers down my spine.

“What if I wanted tokissyou?” I ask, emphasizing on the word kiss as I press myself on his hard cock.

Noah pulls the strands of my hair, making me tilt my head back.

“You don’t want that,” he grunts, his eyes bouncing every which way around my face.

“I think I do. Very much.”

He gives my hair a biting pull, making me preen with how close I am in breaking his control. My heart jackhammers in my chest when he leans down to my ear, biting the lobe before he whispers, “If you kiss me in any way, shape, or form right now, Sky, you won’t leave this room with your cherry intact. I’ve tasted its sweetness and it’s taking everything in me to not steal it from you. So be a good little girl and go to bed. Final warning. I won’t give you another one.”

I stare into his eyes and see the threat in them.

If I push him, even an inch, he’ll snap—my virginity be damned. Since I’m not sure if that’s what I want yet, I take a full step back, Noah releasing his grip on my hair, his shoulders instantly relaxing. He then surprises me by threading his fingers with mine and walking me upstairs to our rooms.

When we’re both standing under each room’s threshold, we hold our gazes for one more minute, neither one happy about putting an end to this magical night.

“Good night, psycho,” I finally say with a meek smile.

"Good night, little stalker." He grins with a wink.

And it’s with a smile that I close the door on him and the best chapter I could have ever written thus far.

Chapter 20


Eighteen years old

The next day is killer on my sanity.

I keep reliving Sky's glorious expression on her face when she came all over my fingers and then again on my tongue. How her lush body molded perfectly against mine. The way her full lips pouted when she was denied her pleasure. It took all my strength and then some to pull away from her. To not fuck her right there on my living room couch. I must have beat my cock into submission three times last night and three more in the shower this morning before I was ready to face her over breakfast.
