Page 116 of The Boy I Once Hated

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“I’m not sure. You haven’t exactly been very forthcoming with how you feel about all this.”

“And you have?” I scoff, my irrational fury making me turn over to my side to face her. “Don’t come at me with questions when you don’t have any answers for them either. Just because I’m the guy doesn’t mean I’m an expert with shit like this.”

“Shit like this? Wow. You really know how to woo a girl,” she quips with a snarl.

“Fuck,” I grumble, rising from the bed, too, and running my fingers through my hair. “What do you want me to say, Sky? This past month has been incredible. Hasn’t it? We’re having fun. Isn’t that enough?”

“Is that what you want? Just to have fun?”

“How the fuck am I supposed to know? Yeah. Maybe. I don’t know,” I reply, frustrated, pulling the strands of my hair until a few spring loose. “What’s the problem with just having a little fun? It’s worked so far for us. Why complicate it?”

“Maybe I want to complicate it. Maybe having fun isn’t enough for me anymore,” she counters sternly.

Jesus Christ.

“We’re fucking eighteen, Sky. This is our senior year. If we don’t have fun now, then when are we supposed to, huh? When I’m knee-deep in fish guts working on my father’s boat? When I have to worry about shit like mortgages and paying bills, knowing that I’ll never get off that rat race no matter how hard I try? My future is complicated enough, so excuse me if having fun now when I still can offends you.”

I get out of bed and start searching for my discarded clothes on the floor.

“Where are you going?”

“To sleep. Is that also a problem for you?” I arch a menacing brow.

Sky refuses to say anything, and instead falls onto the bed, turning her back to me.

“Good. At least we can agree on something,” I mumble, hurriedly putting my sweatpants on.

I pick my t-shirt from the floor and pull it as fast as I can over my head so that I can quickly head toward her door. But just as I grab the doorknob, I stop in my tracks, taking in a deep breath to calm my temper.

Why did she have to go there?

We were good.

We were better than good.

We were perfect.

“Maybe we should just call it? Feels like this, whatever this is, has run its course,” I hear myself say.

My heart is beating a mile a minute, just waiting for her to tell me to fuck off, pick a fight, or just beg me to stay. I’d take fucking anything at this point. But when she doesn’t say a single word in return, I look over my shoulder to stare at her. She remains so still, it’s almost difficult to see if she’s breathing or not.

“Sky?” I ask, unable to hide the worry in my voice.

“Just go,” she finally whispers, making me cringe at how cold her tone is.

I turn around and lean my temple to her door, ordering my feet to move and do as she says.

“I don’t know what you want from me,” I finally reply on a ragged whisper.

I hear her softly exhale as I stand there, waiting on pins and needles for her to say something. When she doesn’t, I know she’s done with me. Unable to stand her silence any longer, I swing her door open and get the hell out of there. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t do my due diligence in making sure the coast was clear for me to leave her room. A mistake that is very fucking evident when I find Daisy sneaking down the dark hallway with her stilettos in her hands, gawking at me. Guess I wasn’t the only one who was up to no good tonight, not that it matters right now.

I’ve never had a problem with Daisy.

In fact, right from the get-go, she was probably the only addition to this house that I could stomach. Sure, she looks like a Barbie doll with her golden hair and blue eyes, but her personality was just as reckless and rebellious as my own. She’s a rolling stone, unable to be pinned down. I guess we always had that in common. We understood each other. She didn’t take any of my shit and I respected her for it.

But by the way she’s glowering at me now, our little truce is over and done with. I square my shoulders as she rushes at me like a bull seeing red for the first time.

“The fuck were you doing in my little sister’s bedroom?”
