Page 121 of The Boy I Once Hated

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What the hell did you do?

Suddenly, I’m no longer angry at him on my behalf.

He hurt me.

Hurt me deeply.

But like hell I’ll let him hurt my sister.

“Give me the dress,” I tell her, gaining a wide smile from her.

“That’s my girl!”

I’m not sure what my sister has planned, but whatever it is, I’m on board.

Fuck Noah.

He wants to have fun?


Let’s see how he likes it when I have a bit of fun too.

* * *

Say what you will about the Monroes, but they sure know how to throw a party. Their yacht is decked out in twinkling lights that challenge the gleam of the stars hanging up in the night sky. I had my reservations about stepping on board, but when Daisy promised that the boat would remain docked all throughout the party, I relaxed.

I’ve always known that on the other side of the island lived the wealthiest of its inhabitants, but as I walk around the Monroes’ yacht, I realize that my notion of wealth doesn’t really compare to its reality. I mean, I did get a glimpse of the lavish lifestyle when I went to the Monroes’ party at the beginning of my junior year, but I was probably too nervous and anxious to really take it all in.

I’m sure taking it all in now, though.

This yacht is three times the size of our entire house. With it being three stories high, complete with a helicopter pad and pool, this luxury yacht puts most of the houses inland to shame. A person could probably get lost here and it would take hours before anyone could find them.

I stick close to Daisy as she sashays through the crowd of partygoers, all dressed to the nines with their fancy high-end couture and sparkling jewelry. Suddenly, the idea of crashing such an affluent party has me sick to my stomach. Sensing my unease, Daisy stops one of the various waiters walking about and grabs two champagne flutes for us. The guy doesn’t so much as bat an eye when she hands the glass of alcohol to me.

“Here, drink this. It will loosen you up,” she orders.

I don’t fight her on it or remind my sister that I’m underage and shouldn’t be drinking. Instead, I take the flute out of her hand and down it in one go.

“Good girl.” She smiles, grabbing another flute for me and handing the empty one back to the waiter. “Now, let’s mingle.”

I offer her a curt nod and scamper behind her. Daisy flicks her long blonde hair and struts down the deck. With her head held high, and a confidence that can only be described as enviable, she flashes her bright smile to everyone who stops what they are doing just to look at us.

I’ve always known my sister was beautiful, but tonight there is something different about her. Instead of the short skirts and crop tops she’s a fan of wearing, she’s done a complete one-eighty, looking like one of the old-time actresses you see in those black-and-white movies. She’s the epitome of elegance and grace. In a red dress that probably cost less than fifty dollars, she’s outshining all of the women here that paid a pretty penny for theirs.

“Okay. This is a good spot,” she says when we reach the main deck where most of the guests are situated.

Guests are dancing gleefully with the classic ballroom tune the pianist is playing on his baby grand piano, all of them enjoying the crystal-clear night. I try not to fidget as I scan the area and come up empty-handed at finding either Noah or Stacy. I’m pretty sure if either one of them sees us standing here, they will make a scene and send us packing. I’m really not looking forward to that shit show happening.

“So what’s the plan?” I whisper at my sister, while sipping my champagne, needing the effects of the alcohol to keep me warm.

The dress my sister picked out for me might be gorgeous but it sure isn’t warm. I’m freezing my ass off even with the outdoor heating stands placed all around the deck.

“Daisy?” I ask again when she doesn’t answer, her eyes discreetly scanning the same perimeter I had a second ago.

“The plan is simple, sis. We’re here to show them that we’re not to be trifled with. They can’t fuck with us Ames girls and get away with it.”

“Them?” I arch a brow, confused. “You meanhim, right? You mean Noah?”
