Page 131 of The Boy I Once Hated

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Noah starts the car and it turns on almost silently.

"I love this car," Noah murmurs, sounding like he's having an almost orgasmic experience himself.

"Me too," I breathe, admiring the insignia on the dashboard in front of me.

As we pull out of the driveway, he grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"I have a few more surprises for you, if that's okay."

I nod and blush. One thing about getting to know Noah, it's so surprising how thoughtful he is. He's always doing sweet things that I wouldn't have expected before he opened his heart to me. A little part of me wonders if he acted this way at all with Stacy, but I push the thought aside.

We drive down the road, but it only takes me a minute to realize we’re not heading in the right direction. "Is this a shortcut I don't know about?" I quip. He squeezes my hand again.

"Just part of the surprise," he says with a sexy wink.

Noah looks like a wet dream tonight. His golden hair is slicked back and he's wearing a black suit and a black undershirt that he manages to make look super expensive, even though I know they’re not.

"You're beautiful," I blurt out, my cheeks flushing, because I realize it's the same thought I had at homecoming. I just couldn't say it then.

His eyes soften, and to my surprise, there's a slight blush to his cheeks as well. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, Sky. I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

A girl wants to hear that, but it’s not just the words that are doing it for me, it's how he's saying them. I know he actually means them.

We drive for twenty minutes until he pulls down the same dirt road we’d taken that night we made love on the beach.

I'm always up for sex if that’s what he has in mind. I'm up for anything that means I get him alone without the rest of the school and town pawing all over him and trying to get his attention.

He parks in the parking lot and we get out.

“Hmm,” Noah says when he sees my stilettos.

"I can take them off," I tell him quickly.

But he shakes his head. "Keep them on. I need some more time to admire how fucking perfect your legs look in them."

Before I can say anything, he's scooped me into his arms and we’re setting off down the path like I weigh nothing. I wrap my arms around his neck, and lay my head against his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

I take a deep inhale, not feeling creepy at all about sniffing him, because I'm pretty sure Noah Fontaine is the best scent in the world.

I forget all about how he smells though when we get down the path to the private beach, and I see a table and chairs set out, and lights strung across the top of them. There are plates of food set on the table, and soft music is playing from a portable speaker. I stare up at him in amazement and find him watching me.

"What is all this?" I breathe.

"I didn't want to share you tonight. I don't care about anyone else. I just care about you. So I thought we could have our own private prom. Is that alright?"

I nod in a daze, at a loss for words for a moment. He sets me down gently on the sand and I slip off my shoes, dangling them from my fingertips as we walk towards the table set up.

I gesture to the fairytale in front of me. "How did you pull this off?"

He smiles smugly. "I did a few favors for old man Winter over the last few years, and then I rented the rest. You don’t have to worry tonight about someone coming and busting us."

I smile, thinking about that night that I’ll remember forever. I didn't mind the little bit of danger.

He helps me into my chair and lifts the silver lid covering up our dinner with a flourish. There's a delicious looking lasagna, cheese bread, and Caesar salad laid out.

"I have chocolate strawberries for dessert," he says shyly. “But we really can go to the dance if you want.” He pulls at his suit jacket anxiously, and I reach out and grab it, pulling him down so I can kiss him softly.

“This is the most incredible thing anyone's ever done for me," I murmur, loving the way his eyes light up.
