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I’m a little worried that an alien has taken over her body. She’s just referred to it as “quite lovely.” Definitely not her typical language.

Curt glances at his watch with a frown. "Noah should have been here by now,” he grumbles…right as the door flies open and in walks…

A god.

That’s who walks in.

A living, breathing god amongst men.

Hair touched with a thousand shades of gold. Soulful blue eyes, like a glacier reflecting the sky above it. Warm, tan skin without a single blemish or freckle. Built more like a man than what he should have been.

A teenage dream.

My insides shift uncomfortably, something unrecognizable stirring as I gaze at him.

And I just want to keep gazing at him. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it.

He doesn’t seem to be having the soul crushing awakening that I am at the moment though. He’s staring at his surroundings, bored, as he strides towards us, finally deigning to give us a glance once he’s a few feet away.

“I do love some eye candy,” Daisy murmurs, unabashedly staring him up and down.

Normally, I would have said something to chastise her, but I have nothing. He is eye candy. The best and the worst kind. The kind that gives you type 2 diabetes.

“Well, I’m here,” he snaps just as he glances at my mother, his mouth dropping. He looks momentarily shocked for a second before he puts on his perfect arctic mask again.

I shiver just watching him. I’ve never seen someone able to do that. Go from warm and hot, to ice cold…simply with their gaze.

Curt clears his throat, a brief flicker of annoyance in his features before he schools them for a placid smile.

“Glad you could make it, Noah.” He pulls my mother closer with the arm he has wrapped around her waist, his fake smile blossoming into a real one as he glances at her.

A sick feeling spreads through my veins. This is his son. Which means if this is as serious as it seems to be…he’s going to be my…

“This is Clara,” Curt announces proudly, his eyes shining with adoration as he gazes lovingly at my mother.

Again, I can’t help but wonder, had my father ever looked at my mom like that? Like he couldn’t exist without her? For the life of me, I can’t picture it.

Noah’s completely silent, not even giving her a head nod. But his stare has gone from blank to glaring, as he looks my mother over with his nose scrunched like he just took a whiff of sour milk.

Not a big fan of the union then, I take it…

Curt’s smile dims at his son’s reaction. He clears his throat and turns towards us.

“These are Clara’s lovely daughters, Daisy and Skylar.”

“Sky,” I blurt out, drawing everyone’s attention to me. As soon as it slips from my mouth for whatever inane reason, I want to run and hide under a table.

Daisy is silently laughing next to me, her whole body shaking, but Noah doesn’t seem fazed by my awkwardness. He gives us a brief, bored stare before heading to an empty table and sliding smoothly into a seat, pulling out his phone and typing something.

“Charming.” Daisy laughs, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the seats at the end of the table and as far as we can get from Noah.

I watch as Curt whispers something in my mother’s ear, as she stares at Noah with alarm. Whatever Curt just told her works like magic, because her shoulders drop and her face relaxes.

“So, Noah,” Daisy begins teasingly. He doesn’t put his phone down or turn towards us like he’s heard her at all. Daisy, of course, isn’t about to give up. She puts both hands to her mouth and calls loudly, “Hey! Earth to asshole! Anybody home?”

“Daisy!” my mother calls out, shocked, right as Noah’s burning stare focuses our way.

It’s hard to think with him glaring at us like this. Like he’s seen below our skin and found us wanting.
