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You did watch.

You stayed and watched.

That's why they’re laughing at you.

Because you stayed. Because you enjoyed watching him.

And now everyone knows it.

Not waiting for the twenty minutes to pass, I get up from my seat and walk away. I don't even care to look back when Kyle worriedly calls out my name.

I can't look back.

Becausehe'swatching me. Taking pleasure in my embarrassment and humiliation.

If I thought Bayshore High would be different from the school back home, then I was right.

Going to school here is going to be so much worse.

All because of my asshole of a stepbrother.

Isn’t that a kick in the head…

Chapter 6


Sixteen years old

I've never been a fan of Bayshore High.

Scratch that.

I've never been a fan of school, period.

Classes, teachers, grades...

Their demands of academic perfection do my head in.

I have no interest in learning a second language or the politics of this nation. I have no interest in discussing prose or poetry. If I can't see its use for the future I'm about to lead, I don't see the point in it. It's all a fucking waste of time to me.

There are some precious few subjects that do spark my interest though.

Give me physics, geography, geometry, algebra, or trigonometry, and then you are guaranteed to have my full attention. Sure, they’re hard as fuck to learn, but they’re also the building blocks you need to be a good sailor. If you mess up on even one while you’re out in the vast, unforgiving ocean, you're fucked. And if, by some miracle, I can afford to have my own sailboat one day, I'll need that shit to survive on my own. There's no time out there. No one you can call for help. No second chances to get it right. You either know your shit, or you have no business being out there in the first place.

And my place has always been out in the deep.

But as I said, these subjects aren't for the faint of heart.

They're grueling.

Especially for a guy like me, where nothing comes easy. Not even learning.

So is it any wonder why I'm fuming right now?

I'm supposed to be attentively listening to Mr. Evans solve the algebra problem he has on the whiteboard, but instead my head is onher.

