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"So?" Kyle insists. "Can I ask her out or what?"

I run the pad of my thumb over my lower lip, using his friends being distracted to my advantage. I lean into him, my head right next to his, and whisper, "I'd think twice before you ask me that question again."

"Yeah? Why?" the arrogant fuck has the nerve to counter.

"You heard the rumors," I explain, grinning when his body stiffens. "About how she likes to watch. Watch me, her stepbrother, get his dick wet. Hate to say it, Kyle. But I doubt after she's seen what a real man can do, she'll be interested in your two-inch cock."

His nostrils flare, but he's got the good sense not to say anything in return.



I pull away and gift him my winning smile.

"Need anything else?"

"Nah, I'm good," he retorts coldly.

"Glad to be of help then." I smile and walk away, feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Not that I care if Kyle tries anything with Sky.

I don't care.

But knowing that I'm the only one that gets to play with Thatcher's Bay's new toy puts that added spring in my step. Maybe it wouldn't be all that bad to keep her around a little longer after all.

It looks like it may have its advantages.

Chapter 7


Sixteen years old

If I had harbored a smidge of hope that life would be easier for me when I moved to Thatcher’s Bay last month, I was sorely mistaken. In reality, it’s only gotten worse.

Back at my old school, I could at least take comfort in the knowledge that I was just a blip on everyone’s radar, and that most of my days were completely uneventful, with nothing noteworthy to look forward to. As boring as that may sound, I relished in the mundaneness of it all. Most of the kids at school would leave me alone out of fear of Daisy’s retribution if they ever even thought of messing with me, and I, for one, was happy to reap the spoils of that fear and live my life without the added worry that I would be put on some sort of spotlight.

But the minute I stepped foot on this island, all those perks went away.

Where before I was just Daisy’s younger sister and no one of real importance, now I’m Noah’s stepsister, and by the looks of it, that makes me public enemy number one. I wouldn’t be surprised if Noah sent out a newsletter or a tweet to all his minions, telling them that whoever made my life extra miserable would be in his good graces for life.

I’m not sure how I ended up being on his shit list, but not only did I get on it, I’m pretty sure my name is listed right at the top of the damn thing. That’s not true. I know exactly what got me there. It was that stupid blowjob. Walking in on him while some girl got him off was Noah’s special brand of welcoming me into the family. It told me that he didn’t give a shit what I thought of him, and that he would make it so that the world wouldn’t give a shit about me either.

To say that school has become my least favorite place in the entire world is the understatement of the decade.

There hasn’t been a day where I could walk through Bayshore High’s halls without someone accidentally bumping into me hard enough that I end up falling to the floor on my hands and knees. It’s happened so many times now that it’s no wonder the first person I’m on a first-name basis with is the school nurse. The amount of scrapes and bruises I’ve gotten in the past few weeks is ridiculous, and frankly, they’re starting to be a little hard to hide from my mother and sister. Not that they’ve had much time to notice them. With Mom starting a new job and still being in her honeymoon phase, she’s been too preoccupied to see that I hate it here.

And as for Daisy…well…Daisy is just being Daisy.

Coming to Bayshore High has become sort of a challenge for her.

She won’t be satisfied until she’s left her mark on the school.

And in true Daisy fashion, I’d say that before the year is through, she’ll get her wish. If Noah told his followers that, like me, my sister was persona non grata at Bayshore High, then they didn’t get the memo. It took less than a day for Daisy to have everyone eating out of the palm of her hand and have them all hanging on her every word. Where I’ve hated every minute of living on this godforsaken island, Daisy took to it like a fish to water. It’s like she has lived here all her life and grown up with these assholes.

The ugly and resentful side of me sometimes wishes she wasn’t having such a good time and was just as miserable as I am. If she was having a hard time settling here, then I at least would have someone to bitch with.
