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People are whispering around me, and I find myself frozen in place.

Kyle walks right up to me.

"What happened to you?" I gasp, my hand reaching up tentatively as if I'm actually going to touch his face, before I remember myself and hastily drop it down.

"What do you think happened?" he retorts.

It takes me a second, until my eyes flick over Kyle’s shoulder, and I see Noah standing at the end of the hallway, surrounded by his usual adoring crowd.


Noah did this. But why?

"I don’t understand. I thought you were…friends?"

I guess at least as close as anyone is friends with Noah. When you’re a king, I'm not sure you’re ever friends with the people you think are beneath you.

"Evidently, Fontaine has a problem with me talking to his stepsister." The wordstepsistercomes out in a mocking tone, and I flinch, thinking of what happened last night. And thinking of what would happen, and what people would say if anyone ever found out what happened in my bedroom last night.

That's all I need. I'm pretty sure that rumor would eventually find its way back to my mother, and I couldn't imagine the look on her face if she heard it.

Thankfully, Kyle continues on as if I'm not having a panic attack in front of him.

"Too bad for him, I recognize gold when it's in front of me,” he murmurs. Kyle brushes a piece of hair out of my face and slides it behind my ear, winking at me with his good eye before he strides past like he hasn't just dropped that bomb.

I’m feeling a bit lightheaded when I glance down the hallway, and Noah and I lock stares.

There's a warning in his gaze that should terrify me. But it's offset by the memory of the heat in his eyes last night. The way I held him captive there.

As if he can read my mind, he grabs Stacy next to him, and smashes his lips against hers. She immediately melts against him, and something that suspiciously feels like betrayal shoots down my spine.

I force myself to look away, and I wander down the hallway as if I don't have a care in the world.

And as I slip into class, there's some sick satisfaction inside of me.

Because the entire time Noah was kissing her…he was looking at me.

Chapter 10


Sixteen years old

Tonight is homecoming, something that we didn't really care about in our old school, but evidently, here on the island, they're all about celebrating it.

Ironic since most of the people who grow up here never really leave, so what’s there to come home to?

The idea of that fills me with dread, and I try to push it away. The countdown of when I can get off this island is like a clock in my head, ticking every hour away as Noah continues to try and make my life as miserable as possible.

It's been months since…the mistake. Or at least that's what I'm calling it in my head. Because I can't really call it anything else.

Since that time, we haven't exchanged more than two words with one another. And that was only me saying ‘excuse me’ when we almost ran into each other in the hallway as I headed to the bathroom.

He didn’t bother to say anything back.

I should be enjoying the silence, enjoying the break. But it feels foreboding in a way, like the silence is just a ruse to get me off guard and he’s actually gearing up for something even more sinister than what he’d done to me so far.

Noah is far more intelligent than I’ve given him credit in the past. Which makes me think that his silence since the debacle in the hallway after he punched Kyle is Noah's way of just lying in wait until he can pounce and do his worst.
