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Betrayal sparks through me. To see him standing like that laughing at me, right after that moment we just shared in the hallway. He truly is the devil.

Someone pushes past me and then Daisy’s there, her arm reared back. She punches Stacy right in the face, and blood explodes from her nose.

Stacy screams loudly and the laughing abruptly stops. Daisy looks like some kind of avenging angel as she stands there, glaring furiously at Stacy and her friends.

"Don't ever touch my sister again, bitch," she growls, rearing back her arm to hit her again.

Stacy cowers and Daisy’s date grabs her arm before she can do any more damage. There are teachers pushing through from the edges of the room, the worst chaperones of all time if you ask me. Kyle's put his arm around me comfortingly, but it’s the way he’s staring down at me that really gets under my skin—pity.

He reeks of it and how I hate it.

I rip myself away from his grip and walk out of the gymnasium as slowly and confidently as you can when you look like a drowned rat.

The cold air assaults my senses the second I step outside, and angry tears burn my eyes. When someone bursts through the door behind me, I don’t have to turn around to know that it’s Daisy, ever my hero.

Thankfully, she doesn’t say a word. She just takes my hand and squeezes it, standing next to me as I stare out into the darkness.

I try my best, but the tears I’m trying so hard to hold in finally come streaming down my face.

“I hate this place,” I whisper, and she squeezes my hand again.

“I know.”

She allows me to sit there in my sorrow for a few more minutes.

“Come on, squirt. Let’s go home,” she says softly after a while. “I’ll call us an Uber.”

But just as she says it, a flashy red convertible drives right up to us and stops abruptly. I feel Daisy stiffen beside me, almost as if she’s getting ready for another fight tonight.

My eyes are still blurry from my unshed tears, as I try to make out the dark haired boy, with a little too much swagger to his step, walk towards us.

“Don’t start,” I hear my sister call out, stopping the boy in his tracks.

“I wasn’t going to,” he replies with a smirk.

“Sure you weren’t.” Daisy scoffs. “Just go away, Derrick. I’m not in the mood for you to give me shit about your sister. She fucking deserved the shiner she got,” Daisy adds with venom in her tone.

“I’m not here for my sister. It’s yours I’m worried about,” he says sympathetically, eyeing my drenched state up and down. “Stacy really did a number on you, didn't she?”

I’m still too raw of the sheer embarrassment that I just experienced to answer him.

“Yeah. My sister sometimes goes a little overboard when she’s in one of her moods. Sorry about that,” he mumbles disappointingly.


Does he mean Stacy is his sister? How come I didn’t know she had a brother? Or how Daisy is somehow friends with him? Even though by the loathing way she’s staring at him, I’m not sure they’ll stay friends for long.

“How about I give you two a ride home?” he asks in earnest.

“Pass,” Daisy replies coldly, digging her heels in. “One of my dates will take us,” she lies.

“Get in the car, petal,” he retorts evenly, only this time it doesn’t sound like it’s a request anymore. More like an order.

I stand there watching this unexpected interaction, mouth agape as they continue their deadlock stare. It’s only when I start to shiver from the cold air hitting my drenched frame that Daisy relents.

“Fine. You win. This time,” she tells him, after wrapping her arm protectively over me to warm me up.

Not missing a beat, Derrick opens the passenger door while Daisy ushers me into the car, but I hesitate climbing in, knowing that I’ll end up staining the expensive white leather seats.
