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"You should destroy her," Noah tells me seriously, his lips still scrunched with anger.

"I think you just destroyed her yourself."

Whereas a second ago, it probably would have felt good to get Stacy into a lot of trouble, at the moment, I still feel like I'm walking on air over how he just defended me.

Noah opens his mouth, like he's about to say something, but then he closes it and shakes his head, beginning to turn away. "Get to class, little stalker," he says before striding away.

“Did you mean it?” I call after him and he stops mid-stride.

“Mean what?” he asks without turning around.

“That you’re done with her?”

He pauses for a moment to brush the back of his knuckles on my cheek.

“I’ve been done with her for a long time, Skylar. You’re the one who hasn’t been paying attention. You’re slipping, little stalker,” he finally answers with a wink, before continuing to walk away.

I stand there watching his retreating form, fully knowing that he just took a little bit more of my heart from me, and that I'm powerless to stop him from taking it all.

And I can’t help but wonder…if it’s safe in his hands?

Chapter 19


Eighteen years old

“What? No hot date tonight?” Noah asks my sister when he struts into the living room and sees Daisy in oversized sweats.

“Slim pickings with this godforsaken storm, unfortunately,” my sister mopes, snuggling into her seat by hugging her pillow under her head. “What about you? Couldn't convince Stacy to go out tonight?”

“Haven’t you heard? We broke up,” he explains with an exaggerated yawn.

“Again?” My sister laughs. “God, you guys are so boringly predictable. How long is this breakup going to last for this time?”

“I think this one is going to stick.” He lets out a chuckle.

“Yeah, right. I’ll believe it when I see it.”

“You and everyone else,” he retorts, his eyes discreetly fluttering to me.

I quickly snap my gaze away from him and pretend the television screen is way more interesting than the bomb he just dropped on my sister. With Daisy graduating last year, it’s normal that she no longer knows the ins and outs of Bayshore High gossip, but everyone else at school is fully aware that Noah and Stacy are no longer a thing. The only thing they don’t know is the reason why.

But then again, no one knows that her prank almost killed me either.

Before I could go to the school board or the police to point a finger at her, some lunch lady copped to her crime, saying that she mistakenly added pecans to my salad, completely unaware of my allergy. Noah was furious when he found out. And when he confronted Stacy’s brother, Derrick about it, telling him that she was the one behind all of it, he already knew. Seems like Stacy’s father is a big deal on the island, with even deeper pockets to pay for his daughter’s mistakes.

I guess I should take comfort in knowing that at least Noah is on my side.

But deep down I know my sister is right. Noah and Stacy have been off and on again for years now. It’s just a question of time before Stacy finds a way to lure him back into her clutches.

“What are you guys watching?” he asks, apparently done with the whole ex-girlfriend topic.

“Just some slasher flick. Scaredy-cat over here didn’t want to watch the movie alone," Daisy teases me with a wink.

“I didn't want to see it at all. You're the one who changed the channel on me,” I mumble, pulling my blanket up to my chin.

“Let me guess? Sky was watching some lame-ass documentary again," he mocks with that crooked smile playing on his lips that always sends a shiver down my spine.

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