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“No problem,” I reply in the same low tone.

Although he was shivering just seconds before, the heat of his body begins to scorch the side of mine. I keep my mouth sealed shut even when he starts taking some popcorn out of the bowl on my lap.

“I can’t watch a scary movie like this,” Daisy says out of the blue, jumping out of her seat to turn off the overhead light. “There. Much better,” she singsongs, plopping back to her seat when she’s made sure that the whole living room is almost pitch black.

Any other night I would have told her to turn the lights back on, but not tonight. I’d rather prefer the darkness hiding the effects Noah is having on me just with his close proximity alone. We all turn our attention to the movie again, which takes great effort on my part, since all I can focus on is the way his body melts into the couch. How his chest slowly heaves up and down with each intake of breath. Or how his knee rubs against mine. Thankfully, I’m able to snap out of it and concentrate on the horror movie taking place in front of me. But when a frightening scene occurs that I wasn’t expecting, I let out a terror-stricken scream, only to gasp when I feel Noah’s hand squeeze my thigh.

"Jesus, Skylar. That wasn't even that scary." Daisy laughs.

"Tell that to my beating heart, why don’t you? I almost had a heart attack," I exclaim, removing the bowl of popcorn from my lap and placing it on the side table.

“Such a scaredy-cat.” My sister continues to chuckle, but I'm unable to give her the comeback she deserves since my heart is drumming madly inside my chest for a whole different reason now.

Noah loosens his grip on my bare thigh lightly and begins to caress the inside of it with his thumb. My breathing grows shallow as he draws circles on my leg, coaxing my heart to jump up to my throat with each light caress. Under such dark surroundings, with only the television offering a flicker of light into the room, we’re nothing but shadows. Add in the blanket on top of us, and his illicit touch is completely missed by my sister.

Slowly, I tilt my head to the side just enough to look at him, but his focus stays purely on the bad guy chopping his victim up, instead of the goosebumps he’s inflicting on me.

How can he act this unbothered while I'm burning up?


Two can play this game.

I gather up all my foolish bravery and place my hand on his leg, mimicking his move. A hint of a smile crosses his lips, but it quickly disappears. I look over at Daisy whose lids seem to be struggling to stay awake, even with the sound of the chainsaw coming from the screen.

Noah’s fingers inch higher up on my leg, and then dives slowly in between my thighs, right at my apex. I have to bite my tongue just to keep silent.

He’s playing with me.

Seeing how far I’m able to take this without getting caught.

Oh, buddy. I’m all in.

In true form, I repeat his move, my hand going a little bit higher on his leg, and then diving right where his crotch is, a tangible bulge awaiting me there. His teasing smile disappears, while mine surfaces on my face. Gently, I caress my knuckles on his bulge, a soft moan escaping his lips. Empowered by his reaction, I palm his hard-on, softly at first, then tightening my hold.

He snaps his hooded eyes at me, his tongue peeking out to wet his lips. I cock a mischievous brow, calling checkmate on this game. But I should have remembered who I was playing with.

Noah doesn’t like losing.

Especially to me.

When a devious smile reveals itself on his lips, I know I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. His hand covers mine on his dick, making sure I can’t pull away, adding pressure to it. The hand that had been just teasing me with its heat suddenly spurs to life, his thumb lightly stroking my core over my shorts. We're both still fully clothed, me in my pajama shorts and top and Noah in his simple white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. But we could be naked for all I care, since every caress feels like it has a direct line to my core. The loud thumping of my heartbeat is even louder in my ears than the soundtrack of a chainsaw hacking away on the TV, the thunder wreaking havoc outside, or my sister’s soft snoring.

Noah surprises me still, taking my very breath away, when he tilts his head to the side to face me.

He couldn’t look more beautiful to me if he tried.

His blue eyes lock with mine as he continues to tease me with his light strokes. I try not to squirm under his penetrating gaze, but my body has other plans. My legs spread a little more, giving him ample space to work his magic on me. His ocean eyes look even more thunderous than the weather outside when I hike my ass up just so I don’t miss a single touch.

Unable to prevent it, I gasp a little too loudly when he leaves my core to shove his hand down my shorts and inside my panties. The hand that had been keeping mine prisoner on his cock lifts from the blanket only for it to slam over my mouth. Noah shakes his head, his way of telling me to stay silent. I blink twice and nod. Once he’s made sure I won’t make a sound, he removes his hand from my mouth, but not before he lightly runs his thumb over my bottom lip. His half-mast eyes squint further when my tongue instinctively peeks out and licks the pad of his thumb. I watch his Adam’s apple bob, his gaze falling to my hungry lips. He snatches his thumb away and snaps his head away from me, pretending to watch the movie again. I follow his lead, biting my inner cheek when his strong hand pulls my leg over his, spreading me wide open for him.

My chest heaves when I feel his fingers gently play with my slit, feeling my wetness coat them. My own hand remains paralyzed as his bulge gets bigger in my grasp. When he realizes that I’m not moving, he stops his delicious assault on me and lowers his sweats, just enough to spring his hard cock free under our shared blanket. It takes everything in me not to make a sound and wake my sister up.

Carefully, I grab his length in my hand, feeling the weight of it. The velvet smoothness. His soft exhale tells me he likes my touch, and when I feel his digit once again rubbing at my clit, I realize this game has stakes. He'll only show me pleasure if I show him the same. Crap. Noah is an expert, while I’m just a novice. I’ve never done this sort of thing before, while Noah has years of experience.

I try not to think about that and just enjoy his touch on me. My swollen breasts ache, as his cock swells in my untrained hand. I add more pressure, sliding up and down from his tip to his balls, observing his light blue eyes darken.

It’s so intense.

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