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In my nineteen years on earth, I’d been through a lot. I’d been forgotten, abused, and unloved.

But I’d never been betrayed.

I’d never been destroyed.

I was bleeding from the inside out. The pain was a crescendo that built and built until it felt like my skin was literally going to explode from being unable to hold it in.

Those butterflies inside me, the ones he’d grown and nurtured and said he’d fucking do anything for…they turned into dust.

There was a knife in my heart, twisting and turning with each second.

There were tears streaming down my face.

But it was like they belonged to someone else.

It was like the person sitting here, broken and shattered, was not me. My brain was having trouble comprehending how someone who’d seemed so perfectly golden, a hero of a story I never could have dreamed…

Had actually been the villain all along.

The worst part of the story…the one that would no doubt keep me up at night for the rest of my life…

Was the ease of his lies.

The way he’d held me after manipulating my life, like he was a puppet master holding my strings.

He’d held me in his arms. He’d licked away my tears. He…

He was a monster.

That was all there was to it.

A monster behind a beautiful mask.

And I’d never get over his damage.

Mama had been right all those years ago.

And I was a fool who hadn’t listened.

You don’t hear the advice of a dying woman, and say it means nothing.

It took me a minute to think about the next step. Because he’d taken everything from me.

There was that word again.Everything.

I just didn’t know when we’d started saying it, what it really meant.

That he was going to takeeverythingfrom me. Make me depend on him foreverything.

And then destroyeverythingabout me.

I knew what I had to do.

I had to leave.

It was a truth burned into my bones.

But I also knew the Lincoln I thought I’d known, the one who I’d thought had loved me like no one else ever had…or could…
