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As well as they could go when you were keeping your soulmate trapped in your penthouse apartment.

This was the last game of the Conference Finals, though.

And I could finally feel her softening.

Her body had been an easy sell. She was addicted to what I could do to her, I knew that. And although she hadn’t let me fuck her, she was all about our new morning routine.

Which consisted of me with my head between her legs.

I wasn’t complaining about that.

It was my favorite place to be.

My dick wasn’t happy. But my hand was helping him through it, as was the smell of her pussy all over my tongue.

“Monroe’s missing the game tonight, too?” Ari asked, frowning as he glanced behind us at her empty seat as we settled onto our bench. “She hasn’t made it to any of the games this series. Are y’all okay?”

“Finals. They’re killing her this semester,” I tossed out, knowing Ari wouldn’t have any idea what her school schedule was and that she’d been done for most of the series. It’s not like I could actually tell him that Monroe was currently chained to a bed.

That was probably the worst part of our current situation. For the first time since Tyler had died, I’d had someone in the crowd watching me, someone I loved.

The fact that she wasn’t there was like an aching hole in my chest. I’d only scored one goal last game. Without her eyes on me, it just wasn’t the same. Even though I’d vowed to never spend a night apart from her, I couldn’t figure out how to drag her unwillingly to Detroit without arousing suspicion. So I’d spent the entire night talking her ear off through the cameras while she pretended to ignore me.

Really great relationship building if you asked me.

I’d set up the tv so the games were on. But she’d turned it off every time, refusing to watch a single one.

Tonight, I’d set her up in the living room and rigged the television in there so that she couldn’t turn it off. Her eyes would be on me, even if she didn’t want them to be.

My girl was a sweetheart. I knew she would end up watching even if she didn’t want to.

I’d also locked the elevator, and made sure all the knives and electronics were hidden.

She was a sweetheart, but we also weren’t quite there yet.

Trying to get my mind off Monroe and our current issues, I put on my headphones and blasted Kendrick Lamar’s "Humble" to get in the right headspace.

Fuck yes.

By the end of the song, my adrenaline was where it should be, pumping loudly through my veins and ready to get out there.

The arena was packed, a sold out crowd, desperately cheering and roaring as we hit the ice. I could feel their energy fueling me as I skated.

The game started off rough, both teams pushing and shoving to gain control. But I was ready. My mind was clear, my body primed for action. And then it happened—I saw an opening and I took it, slamming the puck into the net.

The crowd erupted into cheers as I held up my hockey stick and skated over to the nearest cameraman, making the heart sign into the camera so Monroe would know it was for her.

"That's how you do it, baby!" Ari shouted as he slapped me on the back before we regrouped for the next play.

We kept fighting, back and forth, but I wasn't done yet. I wasn’t going to leave the game with just one goal again.

I took a deep breath and surveyed the ice, my eyes scanning for any opening as I took control of the puck. I maneuvered it around one defender and then another, zigzagging my way towards the goal.

Approaching the net, I saw the goalie tense up, preparing for my shot. Quickly shifting the puck to my left and then back to my right, I faked him out, leaving him sprawling on the ice. I shot the puck towards the net…and it bounced off one of the Detroit’s forwards' heads and ricocheted into the net.

Well…I hadn’t expected that.

Pumping my fist in the air in triumph, I grinned as I skated around the ice, taking in the screams of the fans and my teammates. I ended up in front of the camera, making another heart sign with my hands.
