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I could do anything,beanything…for her.

She deserved a winner.

So she was going to get one.

I turned my attention back to the ice, feeling renewed.

A few seconds later, Ari sent the puck flying towards me, giving me one last chance. My heart was pounding in my chest, my palms slick with sweat as I skated towards the net. The seconds felt like an eternity as I took the shot, the sound of my stick hitting the puck echoing through the arena.

I held my breath as the puck flew towards the net, willing it to go in. And then, as if in slow motion, it hit the back of the net with a resounding thud. The buzzer sounded a half a second later, and the crowd erupted in a deafening roar.

I fell to my knees in disbelief as my teammates tackled me, and we all erupted in a frenzy of screams and fist pumps.

Emotion clogged my throat and I blinked away tears, because fuck, I hadn’t even come close to imagining what this would feel like.

To win the fucking Stanley Cup.

“Lincoln. Holy fuck!” yelled Ari, pushing Peters off to tackle me himself. “We fucking did it. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.”

I wrapped an arm around his neck, squeezing him. “Yeah, bud. We fucking did it.”

After a second, he pulled away, his own eyes glistening in a rare show of emotion from my best friend.

But if you didn’t cry a little when you won the championship…there probably wasn’t much you were ever going to cry about.

“Look at us,” crowed Ari as confetti showered us from the rafters.

“Who would have thought?”

“Not me,” he cackled, channeling his best Paul Rudd impression, because that man was comedy gold.

Okay, everyone needed to fuck off now. I needed to get to Monroe.

I pushed my teammates out of the way as I skated towards the boards, and I saw Monroe jumping up and down, screaming and cheering, tears running down her face.

One of the security guards let her into the bench area, and a second later, she launched herself into my arms, her legs wrapping around me, my hands on her ass…and it officially became the best moment of my life.

Our faces were pressed together as I spun around.

Everything disappeared, but me and my perfect dream girl.

“I’m so happy for you,” she whispered through her tears.

I brushed a kiss against her lips.

“Tell me you love me,” I ordered, and she grinned before scrunching up her nose.

“I love you.”

I smacked another kiss on her lips, needing to fuck her the first chance I got, and then I lifted her up. The crowd screamed around us as I skated around the arena with Monroe on my shoulders. She had a death grip on my hair as I skated in a few tight circles…just for shit and giggles. Her thighs squeezed around my neck a few times, and I decided it would be a beautiful way to die.

The crowd loved it, their screams wild and delirious at the sight of us.

Who could blame them? My girl was fuckingeverything.

As we circled around the ice, I caught glimpses of my teammates who were all cheering and shouting, their faces red and contorted with joy.

Monroe finally let go of my hair, probably remembering I’d rather die than ever see her get hurt, and she waved and laughed at the crowd. Her arms stretched out wide, taking in the moment.
