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I'm good. Also, you shouldn't offer money to strangers.

Unknown: We’re not strangers, Monroe. We’re practically best friends.

Okay, best friend…tell me my favorite color.

Dark pink, he quickly responded. I frowned. That was my favorite color.

Okay, I guess a girl liking dark pink isn’t too hard to guess…but that doesn’t mean anything. Because I don't know what your favorite color is, and I would definitely know that about my best friend.

Unknown: My new favorite color is green.

New favorite color?

Unknown: The color of your eyes inspired me, what can I say…

You should see the eye roll I have going on right now.

I bet it's really hot, he said with a wink face.

Unknown: So how about that cab? Because my weather app says it’s supposed to rain the rest of the day.

I groaned and pulled up the Weather Channel. Sure enough, it was forecasted to rain until tomorrow morning.

Unknown: How about this…give me the address of some random corner near you, and then it can drop you off blocks from your house so then you can be assured I’m not some creep just trying to find out where you live.

I snorted.

I'm pretty sure that negates the purpose for the cab in the first place since I would be soaking wet with that plan, I tell him. But seriously, I don't take things from strangers.

Unknown: You really don't know who I am, do you?

I frowned at his comment. Was this some famous person that had accidentally texted me? Once again, I reminded myself that I shouldn’t be talking to a stranger anyway.

I really don't know who you are,I texted.And unless you're a thigh or forehead supermodel, I'm not sure that I'm going to recognize you by what you’ve sent.

So you follow thigh and forehead models?he asked with a laughing face.

Another one of those new weird snorts came out of my nose.

You’re right, even if you were an international thigh model, I would have no idea who you are. I'm a big fan of shoulders though. I bet I could tell who you were from that.

Unknown: I can't tell if you're serious or not, so just to be safe, better not send the shoulder pic. How about this instead?

What followed was the hottest thing I'd ever seen.

Now I knew that eight packs weren’t real; at least, not according to my science textbook in high school that weirdly outlined that sort of thing. They were a myth. But I felt like writing the publisher at that moment, because what I was seeing could only be categorized as that. In the picture, he’d lifted his shirt, showcasing a pair of tan, perfect abs that made Michelangelo's sculptures look like he'd gotten it all wrong. Even the arm in the picture was hot, chiseled and strong, tattoos all over. There was the bottom of what looked like butterfly wings poking out from under his lifted shirt. I never would've thought of a butterfly tattoo as hot, but here was living proof that on the right guy, it could be everything.

Please tell me that picture’s really you,I quickly typed back.

You liked it,he said with a wink emoji.

Why are you texting me again? Because I’m pretty sure that Kara would be returning your text with abs like that.

Unknown: Maybe I kind of like talking to someone who doesn't know who I am.

If you could read emotion in that innocuous text, and I wasn't sure you could, there was almost something vulnerable to that.

Well, I'm going to start walking.

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