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“Hey,” he said, an edge of panic laced in his voice. “What are you doing?”

“It’s getting late. I need to get back home. I have to work early and all that.”

He sat for a second in silence, and I didn’t dare look at him.

“You’re really upset,” he finally muttered, as if it was just sinking in.

I chewed on my lip, shame turning in my stomach with how easily I’d let my jealousy take control. “I’m sorry. It’s not like I have any claim on you or anything.”

He tilted his head, his eyes searching my face. “Are you really saying that?”

I rolled my eyes, trying to cover my sudden nervousness. “Of course I am. This is our second date—if I should even be calling it that.”

He leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Alright, this is going to fucking end right now.”

My breath caught in my throat, and the tears were immediate. Fuck. How had this night gone so far out of control?

I stood up from the couch, but before I could go anywhere, he scooped me up, his strong arms enveloping me. I barely had time to process what was happening before we were walking down a hallway that wasn’t part of the earlier tour, and into what was obviously his bedroom.

He threw me on the bed, and I froze, breathless and unsure of what would happen next.

My heart was racing, my body trembling as I tried to process how we’d gotten here, with him standing before me like a dark and dangerous god.

I couldn't even look at him, my eyes darting everywhere but at his face. I was a mess of emotions, my thoughts jumbled and scattered like leaves in the wind.

But even in my confusion and fear, I couldn't ignore the way my body was responding to him. My skin was alive with electricity, my pulse racing with desire. He stood there, watching me with eyes that were more amber than honey at the moment, his intense gaze seeming to see everything. The heat of his stare was like a physical touch, and it made me want him even more.

For a moment, we just stayed like that, locked in a tense and charged silence. And then, without a word, he was on me, his lips claiming mine in a fierce and hungry kiss. All my fear and confusion melted away in an instant, replaced by a deep and aching need for him.

He suddenly ripped away from my lips, his chest heaving, his breath coming out in heavy gasps.

Lincoln took a step backwards until he was towering over me. He shook his head, his tattooed fingers raking through his tousled hair. Then his hand moved to the waistband of his sweatpants and he pulled it down, showcasing his hot, swollen,giganticdick. His thick length was a dusky, silky expanse, textured by ridged veins. The gleaming head of his arousal was slick with his precum. It was a strange thought, because I’d never thought of dicks as attractive…but his was…beautiful.

What every woman was put on this earth to desperately crave.

Desire consumed me, a fierce ache that demanded to be sated. My center throbbed, slick and hungry, as I felt myself clenching in response.


“You think you don’t have a claim on me?” he finally growled, breaking the sex-fueled silence. “You think it’s possible for anyone else to exist now that I’ve found you?”

His tattooed hand slowly traveled his length, his thumb catching his arousal and bringing it to my mouth. I whimpered and parted my lips as he slid it inside, the salty taste my new favorite thing.

“Good girl,” he breathed.

My tongue swirled around his thumb, making sure to get every drop, and he slowly withdrew it.

“Look at me,” he ordered, and my eyes immediately snapped to his face. “No…look at me.”

My gaze trailed down his toned body until it landed on his dick that extended all the way to his abdomen.

And it was then that I noticed the dark black cursive script etched on the pink skin, the outline of the letters an angry red color that bordered a new tattoo.

“What?” I murmured, leaning forward so I could read it.


His cock was tattooed with my name.
