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I recoiled in disgust, taking a step back. “What are you talking about?” I asked, a sense of dread washing over me.

“We’ve had this conversation before. I’m a man with needs, Monroe. Maybe if you were a little more accommodating, I’d reconsider.” His eyes roamed over my body.

I felt sick to my stomach, feeling violated and disgusted. “No, I’d rather sleep on the streets than do that,” I spat. I wanted to punch him again, but I’d prefer not to. He’d kick me out tonight instead of tomorrow–although tomorrow was just a few hours away at this point.

“Suit yourself,” he said with a shrug. “Just make sure you’re out by tomorrow.”

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving me alone in the hallway, feeling utterly hopeless and alone.

I stood there in shock for a moment, before finally willing my legs to move and walk into my apartment. The tears started then, coming out in harsh gasps as I stood in the middle of the tiny room, surrounded by the life I’d been scraping together. Jared’s words echoed in my head, and I felt a sense of panic rising in my chest, like a wave in a stormy sea, threatening to drown me in an ocean of uncertainty and despair. Where was I supposed to go? What was I supposed to do?

The tears streaming down my face blinded me to everything around me as I stumbled through my tiny apartment. The feeling of hopelessness was almost suffocating. I was disappearing, with no one to save me.

The sound of my phone buzzing seemed to shake me out of my daze. I fumbled for it, wiping away the tears that were still leaking from my eyes. When I saw Lincoln's name on the screen, a small glimmer of hope sparked in my chest. It was like a tiny flame in the darkness, illuminating the way forward. I wiped away the last of my tears and took a deep breath before checking the text.

Lincoln: Did you make it home safe? You were supposed to call me.

It was like a lifeline had been thrown to me, something to hold onto amidst the chaos.

A second later, he was calling, obviously impatient with the fact I hadn’t responded yet.

I fumbled to answer it, hoping to stop myself from crying again. "You’re in big trouble, baby,” he said. “You were supposed to tell me when you were off so I could drive you home.”

The lump in my throat made it impossible to respond with anything but a sob. Lincoln's playful tone immediately disappeared as he realized something was wrong. "Sweetheart, what's going on?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

I struggled to compose myself enough to explain what had happened, telling him about the eviction notice and how lost and scared I felt, hiccuping and sniffling as I talked.

“Oh, baby. I’m so sorry. But it’s going to be okay. We’ll figure this out together," he said, his voice gentle and reassuring as he spoke. "Right now, I’m going to come pick you up. We’ll pack up your stuff together, bring it over to my place, and then you can stay with me as long as you need to.” I heard the sound of an engine starting.

“You’re coming right now?” I whispered, more tears tracking down my cheeks.

“Yep. And I’m going to stay on the phone with you the whole time, because, baby, your tears are tearing me apart. Dream girls aren’t ever supposed to cry.”

A hiccuped laugh escaped me and he chuckled softly, the sound like a warm caress across my skin.

“I think you’re delusional,” I whispered. “You see something that doesn’t actually exist.”

Lincoln let out a deep, throaty chuckle, the sound reverberating through the phone. "Delusional, huh?" he murmured, his voice rough and low. "You think I'm delusional for seeing how amazing you are? How special and strong and beautiful?"

He paused, taking a deep breath, like he was trying to rein in his emotions. "Monroe, I see you. I see all of you. And I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here for you, every step of the way, no matter what. Because I know that you're worth it. You're worth everything. Eventually, you’ll trust me. I’ve been lonely all these years, too. Waiting for you."

His words were like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm. But it wasn't just relief I felt—it was something more. Something deeper. As I watched the street through my window, waiting for his car to appear, warmth spread through my chest, like a slow-burning fire.

I realized with a start that I was falling in love with him.

It was like the petals of a flower unfolding, revealing a beauty that had been hidden away, like the universe had opened up and allowed me to finally see what I’d been missing all these years. Lincoln felt like he could be the missing piece to my puzzle, the one I didn't know I needed until he was right in front of me.

As Lincoln's car rolled to a stop outside my apartment building, a wave of relief and joy crashed over me, washing away the fear and uncertainty that had plagued me just moments before. He was still on the phone with me when I threw open my door and let him in.

Lincoln's golden gaze locked onto mine, and in a heartbeat, I was in his arms. His fingers brushed against my skin like the first drop of rain on parched earth, igniting a wildfire of sensations within me, sparking shivers down my spine and sending my heart racing. Our lips collided, igniting an inferno that left me breathless. I melted into him, feeling his strength and protection surrounding me, as if his arms were the only safe haven in the world. Every touch, every kiss, every moment with him was a fiery explosion of desire and longing that I never wanted to end.

He helped me pack up my belongings, his touch gentle yet firm as he carefully wrapped each item, which I’m sure resembled trash compared to what was in his place.

All of my belongings fit into two boxes. That was it. That was the sum of my life up to now.

It was pathetic, really.

We loaded the boxes into the car, and I couldn't help but marvel at how he seemed to effortlessly navigate the chaos of my life. With him by my side, everything felt just a little more manageable, a bit more bearable.
