Page 101 of Ruthless Sinner

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Dante is hammering into me, then he stops and I hear a buzzing sound.

It throws me for a loop at first because I’m not sure what it is.

“Time to take things up a notch. Let me show you just how filthy I can be.”

Dante pulls out of me and his hands are on my waist, guiding me so I go onto my hands and knees.

The restraints are just long enough for me to do this. I also can’t feel the pillows nearby so I guess he must have moved them.

That’s all I get to think. The next sensation I get is him rubbing something slick into the rosette of my ass, then the buzzing thing is pressing inside me. Instantly, I realize what it is.

It’s a dildo.

I squirm against it, my nerves quivering violently and I moan out loud.

“Oh God. Ahhh, Dante.”

He answers by pushing it in deeper so it’s buried inside my ass. The next thing I feel is his cock sliding back into my pussy.

The combination of both sets me on fire. Pleasure shoots through me like a rocket blasting into outer space and another orgasm hits me full force. It shatters my soul and my body erupts in thrills of heat.

In response Dante pounds into me, fucking me in a furious burst of energy that seems to go on forever.

I’m lost in him again. I can’t tell how long we go on like this but I just know I lose my mind.

When he finally comes, I’m still there in the height of pleasure, relishing his hot cum flooding my passage. Then it feels like the life has been drained from me and my knees give.

He pulls out of me and gently undoes my restraints and the blindfolds.

It takes a moment for my eyes to readjust to the light, but when I do and I see him it feels like magic.

He cups my face and strokes my jaw. “Did I hurt you, baby?” His voice is too gentle for him.

“No, I liked it. It was amazing. I’m just...drained.”

He smiles and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “I’ll go easier on you next time. How about we go in the hot tub?”

“I’d like that.”

“I like you.” There’s a flicker of something in the depths of his voice that reaches into my heart, letting me know this is real.

“I like you too.”



It's Saturday night again, making it one full week since I’ve been with Dante.

Our time together has been spent locked in passion.

I'm either at his place or he's at mine. We’ve even seen each other during the day when we can and we’re together every chance we get.

Right now, I'm supposed to be on a date with Matthew at the Altro Mondo, an Italian restaurant on the edge of the city. Then we’re supposed to be seeing the ballet of Romeo and Juliet.

Instead, I'm playing out my very own forbidden romance with the dark version of Romeo.

With my hair soaking wet and clinging to my skin, I’m sitting with Dante in his bathtub, wedged between his legs and pressed up against his chest while he smokes a Cuban cigar.
