Page 153 of Ruthless Sinner

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When I found that thing I wondered where Dad got it. It looked so unusual.

“I’m so sorry, Serenity. After all you’ve been through this is the last thing you need.”

“I know. I felt like I just opened Pandora’s box, then I went an fell in love with the devil only to find out he isn’t really the devil.”

She sighs. “Please don’t worry. Right now you have to focus on yourself. No one else. Not even Dante. Although… I didn’t miss the part where you said you were in love with him.” There’s a smile in her voice.

“Harper…” I was to scold her but I don’t have the energy.

“I know. It’s just nice to hear you say such a thing, even under the worse circumstances.”

“I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“Right now I don’t think there’s anything you can do, but stay out of it.”

I’m about to answer her when the beep of a call coming through interrupts me. I move the phone away from my ear to check who it is.

My heart skitters to a stop when I see it’s Dad is trying to get through to me. Normally when I’m mad with him I’d ignore the call, but after what happened earlier I know this is one time I shouldn’t do that.

I press the phone back to my ear to tell Harper I have to go. “Hey, my Dad’s trying to call me. Are you around later?”

“Of course,. Go and keep me updated.”

“Sure and thanks. Thanks for everything.”

“Don’t mention it and don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.”

“Thanks. Speak later.” We hang up and I switch the call over to connect to Dad. “Dad, hi.”

“Oh thank God.” His voice shakes with a terror I’ve never heard before.

“What’s wrong?” I feel like the hypocrite again asking such a bullshit question when I know everything is wrong.

“Where are you? I thought you were supposed to be at home?”

“I’m at work.”

“Jesus Serenity.”

“What’s going on, Dad?”

“Listen to me. There’s no time to talk. I need to you to leave right now and head to the cabin in Wisconsin. Miko will catch up with you there.”

My heart seizes in my throat and my blood pressure rises in my body like the steam on a pressure cooker. “Tell me what’s happening?”

“I got in some trouble with some men,” he blurts, his words tripping over themselves in a babble.

“Dante?” I can barely say his name.

“No. It’s worse, my darling. Please, leave now. They’re coming for you.”

My legs move the instant he says that and I rush out of the breakroom. “Oh God.”

“Switch this phone off and get to the cottage. Don’t call anyone in case they track you. I’ve switched off the tracker in your car and—” His voice cuts and the call ends.

I’m running down the hallway but the shudder that rushes through me from the disconnection makes me stumble.

Dad was disconnected. What happened to him?
