Page 158 of Ruthless Sinner

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I sneer and step forward, but Igor points his gun at Serenity’s head, stopping me.

“And that brings me to the final thing. The wild card. The girl. The girl who’s had quite an effect on you. When Levka told me she discovered your plans for her father and you bargained with her for her body, I knew I had a different type of leverage on you. I took her to punish Jason, but also to make a deal with you.” He walks up to Serenity and grabs her from the guard. He taps something on the edge of the bomb vest and a timer displays on her chest for three minutes.

My lungs twist into knots, and I’m not sure if I’m even breathing.

“Stop the timer and let her go!”

“First, you have to give me the contract piece and everything else you have on me.”

“This is all I have here. The other stuff is at the club.”

“You will deliver it to me within the hour. Now give me the contract piece, or your girl’s head gets blown off, along with her body. The clock is ticking. Defy me, and I’ll get out of here, and you’ll both die.”

Serenity is my only choice here. Nothing more. How strange. I started this path of revenge, yet the tables have turned. I wanted nothing more than to punish Jason for what he did to me.

Now he’s lying on the ground with a bullet in his heart, and my only goal is fighting for the love of my life—hisdaughter.

I look at her, and I recall what I said to her only yesterday. That my biggest fear was that if she truly became my Juliet, she’d die in one way or another.

I don’t want to be right, so I need to do whatever I must to save her, even if I die here.

This death would be worth it.

Dying for love—her love. Her life.

I step forward with that purpose in my heart and the light she gave my dark soul. As I walk around the table, Igor does too, keeping his grasp on Serenity. I note the space between us.

I have mere seconds before my chance slips away from me.

It’s only when I reach him and stretch out my hand to give him the contract piece that an idea forms in my head.

Virgo is watching me, and I know he’ll be waiting for any opening he can take. All I have to do is give him one. So, when Igor reaches out to take the contract piece, I swing my leg into his so fast he wouldn’t have seen it coming.

At that moment, a bullet whizzes past my ear and strikes his shoulder.

The impact makes Igor shove Serenity to the ground.

“Run and take cover!” I shout at her as bullets start flying.

She crawls over the nearest hedge, just as Igor comes after me.

Virgo and his men rush out, and a full-on battle ensues.

Igor throws himself at me, slamming his body into mine. We fall to the ground in a flurry of fists, where he has the advantage of being on top of me.

Again, I give him credit because he’s more than twice my age.

He also still has his gun, I can’t grab mine, and the bomb is still ticking down on Serenity’s chest.

We’re all dead if I don’t get out of this. I won’t leave my girl to that type of fate.

Summoning strength, I throw my knee into his back. That moment gives me the chance I need to get him off me. When I do, I grab his gun and shoot him in the head.

Blood splatters everywhere, and his body crumples in on itself. Levka comes at me, but I end him the same way. One bullet to the head.

With time against me, I don’t waste any. I look for Serenity, but she’s not where I last saw her.

She’s near the gazebo, under the bench.
