Page 81 of Ruthless Sinner

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I giggle and it feels so damn good to laugh. We spent the last hour trying to get a good signal. She was traveling in between towns and the phone connection has been terrible. It was like that all weekend that’s why we hardly spoke to each other. Then again, I only noticed during the moments when Dante wasn’t inside me.

Each time she called and I was able to get to the phone, the line either snapped or crackled. Now that she's gotten to her destination I know she’s bursting to hear more about my news.

“Okay, Miss lady, talk. I have ten minutes before I have to leave.”

“Damn is that all?” Dad is supposed to be calling me in half an hour. I thought Harper and I at least had that much time to talk.

“Sorry, babe.” She groans in frustration. “Another girl and I had to change hotels because our rooms got flooded and they didn’t have any others to put us.”

“Oh no. I hope nothing got damaged.”

“No. It was cool and I’m fine. Now talk before I implode.”

I laugh again, but I completely get why this is exciting for her. Usually it’s her with the thrilling stories about men. I tend to live vicariously through her adventures and it's enough for both of us. Sometimes I feel like the bottom feeder fish taking the scraps of excitement from her life. My stories are work related or something to do with the step family. Any talk of guys is few and far in between. I’m not counting Matthew in that mix. He’s in a category of his own I can’t quite classify yet.

“Okay, okay. I just don’t know where to start.”

“The beginning. And go.” She chuckles and I hear her snapping her fingers.

Feeling my cheeks burn, I drag in a little breath to clear my head and I start talking.

I begin with Natalie’s party and end up telling her what drove me out, then I move on to how I ended up carpe dieming myself to the club and having sex with Dante in his office. knowing she’ll keep everything I say between us, I even tell her the scary parts to do with the mafia, then I round up to the part where Dante and I agreed on a secret relationship.

That’s when she shrieks and I almost expect her to jump through the phone and hug me.

“So that’s it. That’s what happened.”

She squeals again. “Jesus. That is so freaking hot. I wish I was back home. This is a champagne and cream cake moment.”

“I wish you were here too. I truly do.” This is one of those times when I probably really need her presence, not just her voice. As exciting and thrilling as what I’ve told her sounds, I know I'm setting myself up for a fall.

It's only a matter of time before I'm pushed over the edge and I'm falling in more ways than one with nothing to grab on to, to save myself.

“When are you seeing him again?

“I’m not sure. He said he’s going to call me.” My voice sounds as dreamy as the shy wallflower who’s looking forward to her first date with the most popular guy in school. “I guess one of the biggest things is maneuvering seeing each other around Miko.”

It’s times like these I’m grateful Miko is so lenient with me, but there’s only so much leeway I can have.

“I’m sure you’ll find a way. This is exciting news. It's huge. Huge. I feel like you’ve graduated to the big girls club. I’m so happy for you.”

I smirk. “Harper. Did you forget all the parts I have to worry about? Which is pretty much all of it?”

“I haven’t forgot anything.” I can almost see her shaking her head.

“He’s a Russian mafia boss and I’m practically engaged.”

“You arenotpractically engaged. Even if you were, you think that asshole Matthew is saving himself for you? Just this morning 411 magazine sent me an update about him and some socialite. I think it’s one of Natalie’s friends. Take a look online when you’re done talking to me.”

Great. I’ll bet that’s Bella. Not that I care. I just don’t like the idea of this guy being forced on me.

“I will. That aside I’m in a real mess aren’t I? There’s no way you can tell me that I’m not. Or that the whole mafia thing can’t ruin my father.”

“Now isn’t the time to think about your father. I mean of course there is cause for concern. So no I won’t say that it couldn’t ruin him or there is no danger, but can you really see yourself turning your back on this guy?”

I can’t but I’m not even sure I have a choice. Theoretically I do have some level of choice, but the man promised me he won't leave me alone even if I want him to. So what would I do if that day came and I had to?

“Harper, I'm worried. I'm really worried.”
