Page 96 of Ruthless Sinner

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“I know, I know, and I’m sorry. It’s just you. Girl, if you agreed to go with him to Risqué, I think you’ve already decided that you’re willing to do whatever this man wants to do to you.”

And I suppose I also said as much last night. “But being tied up?”

“Is fun. It’s not as scary as it sounds. It’s a whole other level of trust in a relationship and I’m sure Dante won’t do anything to you, you don’t want, or won’t like.”

I bite back a smile. So far, everything I’ve done with him has taken me to a whole other level of pleasure. This shouldn’t be any different.

“Okay, I’m calming down and I think I’m actually excited, Harper.” My skin buzzes with it and the anticipation of seeing Dante again.

“That’s exactly how you should be. This guy sounds like he’s really into you and I think that’s what you need right now.”

She’s right again. “I do need this.” After the shit storm my life has been for so long it’s nice to just look forward to something that isn’t work. It’s even better to feel so swept up in a guy that I could fly.

“Right, let’s talk clothes.” Her voice is a sing-song melody. Apart from men, fashion is her favorite topic.

We spend another half an hour talking, then it's time to head out and start my day.

I count down the hours until I see Dante, and I almost feel normal.

Like this could work.

But I know I’m living on borrowed time.



Dante sends a car to pick me up at eight. It’s the same chauffeur and car he sent Harper and me home in on the night we first met.

This time I’m by myself and the excitement I’ve been feeling all day is surrounding me like a glow of light.

I feel beautiful and sexy in my dusty-rose slip, six-inch heels and a black fur shawl covering my shoulders. My hair is down and wavy like it was last night, but I have it swooped to the side for that elegant look.

Forty-five minutes later and we arrive at the club where my driver hands me a small silver pouch.

“Put this on here,” he says in the same accented voice I’ve heard in Dante’s other guards.

“Okay.” I do as instructed, opening the pouch to take out my mask and the little silver bracelet which is made of satin.

I put them both on and they feel like a mark of ownership on me. Maybe that’s the idea.

Once I’m ready, I’m escorted inside the club where my little purse and shawl are taken into the cloakroom. I already messaged Miko so I won’t need my phone tonight. I also switched it off to be on the safe side. There’s no need for anyone to contact me tonight for anything, and I’d hate to be tracked here.

I can hardly explain my presence here to myself let alone anyone else.

Tonight I want to be as Harper said. Liberal and free.

Liberal and free with Dante.

“He’s on the second floor,” the lady at the counter says nodding her platinum blond head and smiles. “He wants you to go right in and find him.”

“Thank you.”

“Just through there.” She points to the black frosted glass double doors where two bouncers stand on either side. I’ve noticed there’s more security here than at Club X. I guess it’s understandable given the nature of the club.

Pulling in a deep breath I make my way to the doors and one of the bouncers opens it for me.

I nod my thanks and step inside right onto the dance floor, immersing myself in the upbeat music and dancing people. The place is just as packed as the other club. Maybe a little more.
