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She frowned. “I don’t know how much I can tell you, really. I only know my experience and a few days here or there with new inmates.”

Bram replied, “Aye, but that’s better than nothing. They’re an enemy to us both, and the sooner I can find out who they’re working for or with, and eradicate them, the better.”

Percy studied Bram and looked at Violet and then at Bronx. For the first time, he noticed her eyes were hazel, but more gold than green.

Had they ever been filled with laughter or happiness? And why did he care so much?

Percy’s response brought him back to the room. “I still need a promise I can stay here. And if you give it and let me have a place to stay and cook my own food, I’ll do whatever you ask me to do, even if you change your mind about me needing to fuck some people to pay my way.”

Bloody hell.Just how many bastards had taken advantage of her inside the facility, to the point she would so causally offer her body as if it didn’t matter? Anger flared, and he quickly tamped it down. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten her.

Bram nodded. “You can stay here until you’re ready to leave, provided you don’t try to fuck over my clan. If you do, then I’ll hand you over to the DDA.” At her blank look, he explained, “The Department of Dragon Affairs. They’re the human governmental agency who oversees and sometimes protects dragon-shifters.”

She laughed bitterly. “I call bullshit. If they were supposed to protect dragon-shifters, then where the bloody hell have they been my entire life?”

Bram didn’t bat an eyelash. “They’re not perfect and have only really gotten on our good side in recent years, but they are more an ally than an enemy. And regardless of what you think, if you break the law, they’ll put you in prison. So listen to what all your teachers say and take notes. We can also give you a book of the rules to memorize.”

Percy said nothing, and Bronx swore she tensed.

But in the next moment, Percy shrugged. “I’m not going to kill anyone unless they attack me first. And I know how to keep to myself and stay out of trouble. I doubt I’ll have to worry about this DDA or whatever.”

She would have to talk to a few DDA staff soon enough, but he didn’t breathe a word. Neither did Bram. And for once, Violet kept quiet too.

Bram said, “As for you having your own place, you can stay in this cabin until the doctor clears your health.”

“My health? I feel fine. A little tired, but I’ve suffered a hell of a lot worse.”

Bronx curled the fingers of one hand into a fist to keep from growling or frowning. The more hints he heard about her past, the angrier he got.

Bram didn’t hesitate. “It’ll be difficult when your dragon wakes up.”Ifshe wakes up, everyone else thought but didn’t say. “And in case your dragon acts out or goes rogue, staying in this cabin will keep you from hurting my clan. I want you to come live with us some day, Percy. I do. But I’m sure you understand that if your dragon takes control and goes a bit mad, it could hurt a lot of people.”

Her voice was so quiet, Bronx could barely hear her. “I only talked with my dragon for a month or two before she went away, so I have no idea how any of that works. We were too afraid, the both of us, to ever show emotions.”

Both man and beast wanted to go over and comfort her. For a dragon-shifter to meet their dragon and then be torn away so soon after was cruel. And given what he knew of Percy’s isolation so far, having her inner beast might’ve made a world of difference.

And right here, right now, she didn’t look like a guarded, jaded female lashing out. She looked like a lonely and lost young female who didn’t know what to do next.

Bronx spoke up. “Well, that’s what me, Violet, Tristan, and the others will help with—we’ll teach you how to be a dragon-shifter. Plus, there is someone in our clan who had a silent dragon for a while, and she was eventually reunited. They’re good friends again. So it’s possible.”

He didn’t think Dr. Sid would mind the vague story sharing since it was common knowledge on Stonefire. Maybe the doctor would eventually give more details about what to expect, if not to Percy, then at least to Bronx.

Hope flickered a second before Percy’s usual wariness returned. “Well, I’m sure I’ll find out.”

Since Percy didn’t say anything else, Bram continued. “As I said, you can have this cabin. You have free rein over everything inside it and can go as far as the hedges around it, which gives you the back garden. However, don’t wander anywhere else until we chat again. If you try to escape, then I’ll have to be harsher, and I really don’t want to do that, lass. Understand?”

Percy shrugged, which wasn’t exactly an answer, but Bram nodded anyway. “Good. Then I need to go and tend to my niece. Thank you for helping her and Joey, Percy. I’ll do my best to repay you, aye?”

She mumbled, “We’ll see.”

After another moment, Bram turned toward Bronx. “The nurse is waiting in the kitchen to come check on Percy. She said she’ll stay the night to watch over her, although I hope you and Violet will stay in one of the cabins nearby.”

He glanced at Violet, who was being more restrained than usual. Even she must sense how hurt and damaged Percy was.

His dragon growled.We need to find out if Kai and the others taught those bastards a lesson.

I doubt they’ll have killed them, if it could be avoided. The DDA will only accept so many deaths for a rescue operation.

Regardless, the motherfuckers deserve to die.
