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Percy nodded. “Okay. I don’t trust anyone, and I don’t know if I ever will, but I believe you won’t hurt me intentionally. I know that’s bloody ridiculous, considering I don’t know you. And yet, my gut says I can. And despite everything, my gut has gotten rather good at these things over the years. Well, once my naïvety and innocence were shattered, at any rate.”

He itched to ask her how but knew she wasn’t ready. She might never be ready with him. “Right, well, then let’s get started. Open the book titledDepartment of Dragon Affairs: Rules and Regulationsto the first chapter and read the first paragraph out loud.”

Percy froze a beat and then picked it up. She opened it, stared at the page.… and kept staring.

Thinking about her life thus far, Bronx realized he was a bloody idiot. They probably hadn’t taught her while she was in the facility. And who the fuck knew if an orphanage who sold children would even bother educating them. Maybe she couldn’t read.

But then she read the first sentence. “This book lists all the rules and… re-regulations for dragon-shifters to follow. Breaking them results in in-inca…”


Heat filled her cheeks as she stared at the book some more.

Since this had to be fucking mortifying for her, he debated how to handle it. He settled on “You didn’t attend school until age sixteen or eighteen like everyone else does, did you?”

While school was mandatory for dragon-shifters until sixteen, when they received their dragon tattoo, most continued until age eighteen.

She shook her head, still refusing to look at him. “No.” She paused and whispered, “Only until I was twelve.”

Fucking bastards.If Bram hadn’t already found the orphanage who’d screwed up Percy’s life—they’d been closed for a few years now, after a DDA inspection revealed the rot—Bronx would’ve done it himself and found a way to make the staff pay for what they’d done. “Well, we’ll add some extra lessons to your curriculum that deal with reading and writing, and maybe maths too. Tristan might be able to help us, or his fellow teacher, a female dragon named Ella Lawson, can.”

He didn’t reveal how the pair taught the younger students. He didn’t want to embarrass Percy or let her think he thought less of her.

But she continued to stare at the book, as if willing herself to instantly be able to read it.

He took a step toward her. Since she didn’t flinch or move away, he stayed put. “School is important, but it’s not everything, Percy. You’ve learned more about life than most, I’d gather. With a little work, you can level up your book-learning too, to become a truly kick-ass female.”

She glanced up at him, frowning. “Why would you say that?”

“Because you survived what most people couldn’t. That tells me you have a core of steel. Lean on it, use it to prop yourself up when you feel as if you’re about to crumple, and you’ll be able to accomplish so bloody much. I just know it.”

She remained silent. Bronx’s dragon danced at the edges of his mind, but he knew not to interrupt. It felt as if Percy were on the cusp of something, of taking her first real step toward her new future, and he didn’t want to spook or distract her.

When she finally severed eye contact, she whispered, “I just want my dragon back. Nothing else matters.”

The heartbreak and longing in her voice shot straight to his heart. He’d wanted to help her before, but now? Bronx would fucking move mountains to do it.

Not wanting to think of why, he replied, “And we’ll try everything we can. But I’ll be honest, as I’ll always try to be with you—things could be complicated or bloody difficult. Are you strong enough to endure more hardship? Because it could come to that, with your dragon, if she ends up rogue.”

She looked at him again, her gaze more confident than earlier. “Yes. Where my dragon is concerned, I’ll do anything.”

He nodded and gestured toward the book in her hands. “Right, then let’s go over some of the basic rules you need to know from the start, and then we’ll see if you still have enough energy to tackle some reading lessons. I can help with those. I do them with my nephew. But the rest of your education will have to wait for the dragon teachers.”

She readjusted her grip on the DDA book. “That’s fine. My dragon is my main priority, and the rest is secondary.” She bit her bottom lip and then asked, “Will the clan leader approve of all of this? And what do I need to do in return for more lessons?”

He didn’t hesitate. “Bram has already approved helping you until you can live on your own, either here or with another dragon clan.”

“Another clan?”

“All dragon-shifters have to live with a clan, Percy. Violet mentioned it before, but I don’t know if you remember her words. Basically, there are a few rogue dragons on the lam, hiding in the forests or mountains. But if they’re caught by the DDA, they’ll go to jail. Since I know you don’t want to go back to any sort of prison, it means you’ll have to live with a dragon clan. However, for now, Stonefire is your home. You can decide later if it’s your permanent choice.”

She murmured, “Home.”

Something she’d never had.

His dragon spoke up.She can stay with us as long as she wants, maybe even forever.

Don’t go there, dragon. We’re just helping her until she can survive on her own. That’s it.
