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Violet smiled and bobbed her head. “Brilliant. I’ll have to fill you in about the guy returning with amnesia and how he survived a plane crash.”

Her words poked at her curiosity, but she glanced at Bronx again, her heart skipping a beat, and she knew she had to retreat to her room and sort out her head.

And her feelings.

Wait, no, she didn’t have feelings for anyone. “Okay.”

Percy dashed to the kitchen, made the quickest sandwich in history, and retreated to her room.

While she managed to temporarily forget about Bronx as she read her dragon-shifter books, she couldn’t control her dreams.

And the fact that she’d kissed him—and more—in them made her worry about what she was going to do about everything. Because at this rate, she’d get too attached. And Bronx or even Violet could hurt her, and she’d be even worse off than before.



Bronx should’ve felt like a bastard about his cock hardening for Percy when she’d swayed toward him as if to kiss him. And yet, he couldn’t do it. In that moment, she’d wanted him as much as he’d wanted her—he was sure of it.

She was attracted to him, at the very least.

But to wish for anything more was bloody ridiculous.

And it didn’t help that as he waited for her to come out for her morning lessons the next day, he kept remembering the softness of her cheek under his knuckles and the way her breath had hitched when he placed a finger under her chin.

He could only imagine what it’d be like to show her pleasure and tenderness, to be the first male she chose to take to her bed.Wait, what? No, no, no. That would never happen. Ever.

His dragon sighed.If she’s the one to kiss us, it’s her choice, and she’s not being forced.

Or she thinks it’s a way to repay me for being nice.

His beast grunted.No. Stop trying to brush aside what Percy is becoming to us.

Nothing, dragon. She’s nothing.

Are you sure?

Why? Do you know if she’s our true mate, and you’re not telling me?

Her dragon still hasn’t come out long enough for me to judge one way or the other.

Then we need to find a way to get her beast to stick around. Because if she is our true mate, we need to be reassigned.

His beast growled.Don’t be bloody ridiculous.

I’m not. Think of it—the last thing she needs is a mate-claim frenzy.

It’s not as if we’d claim her without her consent.

That was true—even if he kissed Percy and it kicked off the frenzy, his dragon would be demanding but would never force a female. It just wasn’t who they were.

Regardless, neither he nor Percy needed that complication in their lives.

As he started to rethink the special outing he had planned for the day, Percy emerged in her usual T-shirt and jeans, her hair pulled back from her face. He did his best not to react to that last bit because she’d never worn her hair up around him before. Usually, she had it down and rearranged over her neck to cover her birthmark.

Don’t read anything into it, he cautioned himself over and over again.

His dragon merely laughed.
