Page 33 of Needing You

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“Because it’snotcream cheese,” Will said through gritted teeth. “It’s got a velvety texture, and it’s much richer and creamier. Like a double-cream brie.”

Sammy blinked at him. “That totally clears it up. Thanks, Emeril.”

“Quit it, you two,” Jenna warned, glaring at her sons. Then she turned to me with a sweet smile. “I’m sure they’ll be delicious.”

“Thank you.” My eyes met Will’s then, and his subtle wink sent my belly flipping into a cartwheel.

“Are you two like…togethernow?” Sammy asked, looking between us with a raised brow.

All eyes went to Will, including mine, though I was always aware of Jackson’s body language. Maybe it was a mom thing. He’d gone from a relaxed slouch as we all stood around the kitchen island admiring my cupcakes, to completely rigid and still, like he was holding his breath.

Will lifted his hand and gestured for me to answer.

Oh, really?

Will deferring to me was a huge contrast to the guy who’d basically commandeered my date last night, and it would have made me laugh if everyone hadn’t turned to me expectantly.

“Um, no,” I said finally, feeling my cheeks grow warm. There might be a new label between Will and Jackson—which was great—but Will and me? We hadn’t gotten there yet. “We’re not together. But we’re…here.And I’m really happy to be here.”

Will’s expression hadn’t changed too much while I’d answered the question, but maybe there was a hint of something dark at first, even if it was only noticeable because something light replaced it by the time I’d finished speaking.

“Well, whatever you are, I think you and Jackson need to come to Nashville with us next weekend,” Jenna said, lightly slapping the marble countertop to punctuate her words.

“Mom—” Will started, then stopped when Jackson asked, “What’s in Nashville?”

Jenna beamed at him. “Your aunt—you know, Brenna Walker, famous country singer—is getting married. We’re all going to the wedding, and I think you should come.”

“Awesome,” Jackson replied with a huge grin. “Mom, can we go?”

“Well, I—”

“Of course you can,” Jenna cut in. “We rented out the entire B&B where the wedding is being held, so there’s plenty of space. I won’t take no for an answer. This boy has a big family he needs to meet, and what better place than at the wedding of his only aunt?”

I turned to Will, wondering if he’d tell her it wasn’t a good idea. Because it wasn’t, right? I mean, how could we crash the wedding of a “famous country singer” we’d never met? And not only that, but there was no way I could afford roundtrip airfare from Colorado to Nashville, let alone a room at a fancy B&B, or even spending money while we were there.

Even if we could figure out those details, I probably didn’t have a dress that would be formal enough, and I knew for damn sure Jackson hadn’t worn a suit since, well, actually… he never had. How much were suits? Would he have to wear one if he wasn’t a groomsman?

Will must have seen the turmoil in my eyes because his softened in response. He told his mom to hang on a sec, then swiftly took me by the hand and led me out of the kitchen. When we made it into the dim hallway that held rows of family photos dating back to Will’s childhood, he turned me to face him and took my hands in his.

“Take a deep breath,” he said, his voice oddly soothing even though it had a bit of a commanding bite to it.

I did as he’d said, but only because I needed to. Then I flared my eyes at him. “I can’t afford—”

“No one is asking you to chip in.”

“Will, that’s not—”

He squeezed my hands. “Hey, seriously. Take the cost of the trip off the table, and just tell me honestly: Do you want to come with us?”

“Well, yes, it sounds fun, but—” His warning look cut me off from bringing up the money again, so I sighed. “I do think Jackson would love it. We never take vacations. I’m embarrassed to admit he’s never even been out of Colorado except for that trip to New York and one weekend at Disneyland that took me four years to save up for.”

His eyes closed as he let out a breath through his nose, then when he opened them, his jaw was clenched. “You guys should definitely come, then.”

“Do you want us to? Would that be too much too soon? Introducing him to your entire extended family as your son? And me as your… what, baby mama?”

He let out a low chuckle, and the sound went straight to my core. Damn, but this man knew how to turn me on. Even a begrudging laugh sounded like a caress against my starved-for-attention skin.

“Look, I don’t know what’s happening between the two of us, but I can tell you nothing would make me happier than to introduce Jackson to my family as my son. And I’d love to give him—andyou—a fun vacation. You both deserve it. But no, I’m not going to call you my baby mama. We’ll figure that part out later. Just tell me you’ll come with us.”
