Page 66 of The Beast

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“Looks good on you.”

But he ignored me and played around with my AC. Clearing his throat, he turned the car key, and it started. My smirk vanished as my mouth fell wide open. Ben threw me a triumphant wink.

“Everything looks good on me.”

“W-wow,” I stuttered, rushing over to him. For the first time, I could smell him. A scent that was sweet yet elegant and fresh. Probably some fancy soap made of virgin tears.

“A common issue with prehistoric cars like this one,” he explained. “People leave their broken ACs on and the car overheats. Best thing to do is turn the heater on. It has a coil core inside, drawing the engine’s heat out. Turning on the heater at full blast will vent the heat into the cabin and allow the engine to cool a bit. Not an ideal solution in the summer, but it works.”

My brows shot up in utter shock. Was this really Ben in front of me?

“Where... did you learn all this?”

He shrugged his shoulders.

“My Uncle Barney. He’s as nuts as he is handy with cars. I learned a thing or two about cars from him. Now, can you get this thing out of the way, please?”

“Y-yes. Of course. T-thank you.”

Stuttering like a complete idiot, I waited for him to get out. Maybe Benjamin Radcliff wasn’t the absolute worst person on this planet. Maybe I could downgrade my hate for him to “dislike.” But just when I wanted to thank him again, my lips already curling into a soft smile, he stopped right next to me and reached over to pull a leaf out of my hair.

“Is that the latest fashion among the monkeys now?”

I balled my fist as my jaw clenched at this arrogant man. Frantically, I searched for something clever to say in return, but Benjamin was already back inside his supercar and honked at me again. And again. And again.

“All right!” I yelled, rushed back into my car, and moved it out of the way.

As if the devil was after him, Benjamin hit the gas pedal of his Porsche and raced off, scattering dirt behind his spinning wheels. I narrowed my eyes and watched him disappear in the far distance.

“Radcliffs!” I muttered, shaking my head.
