Page 14 of Artist

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I know something is wrong the moment I see my front door.

It’s closed, but there’s a black scuff right beside the doorknob, one that wasn’t there half an hour ago when I walked to the grocery store, and my hand trembles as I reach out to push it open.

Inside, the entire place is trashed. The couch cushions have been torn open, my clothes are in a heap beside my dresser, and the kitchen cabinets are hanging open with their contents tossed over the floor. Whoever did this even took the time to open the tops of all my over-the-counter medications, dumping them out into the sink like they were expecting to find diamonds instead of ibuprofen.

Great. Just great.

My shoulders slump. I should be terrified, feel violated,something, but I’m just tired. I’ll have to call the police now, clean this all up, and should probably consider moving.

I like my neighborhood though, and aside from the mess, nothing was actually taken, so what can the police do?

Which means all that’s left to do is clean up the mess and buy a new lock.

I’ve barely picked up my broom and dustpan however, when there’s a clatter at the front door that makes me jump. Clutching my chest, I almost fall over in relief when I turn to find Penn standing in the doorway, looking livid.

“What are you doing here?” I gasp.

He ignores the question completely.“What the hell is wrong with you?”

I blink at him, trying to wrap my mind around the night’s latest unexpected turn of events. “I don’t-“

“You just walked into an apartment someone broke into?Alone? What if someone had still been in here? Fuck, Daisy,”

My jaw drops, even as my throat tightens with embarrassment. He’s probably right, that was stupid, but I’m distracted by yet another mystery. “Excuse me! How did you even know which apartment was mine? You’ve never walked me up!”

Again, Penn completely ignores me, stepping over an overturned floor lamp, eyes flashing dangerously. “You weren’t going to call the police?”

I snort, gesturing to the ancient floor lamp on the ground between us. “Nothing was taken!”

Penn growls and mutters something under his breath about little brats before closing the distance between us in three long strides. Without another word, he leans forward and hoists me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing.

“Penn!” I squeal, clutching the back of his shirt when he spins around, heading back out the door. “Hey! What are you doing!”

“Enough.” He snaps, tugging the door shut behind us. “You’re not staying there.I’llsort this out tomorrow.”

The blood is already rushing to my head, and I try to squirm away, but it’s no use. Penn’s arm is wrapped securely around my legs, and we’re already nearly at the building’s front door.

“Are you kidding me?” I growl when he steps out of the way, holding the door open for one of my bemused neighbors. “Penn, come on, put me down. I’m not going to run away!”

I probably would, but his legs are so much longer than mine that he would catch up to me in about five seconds if I tried it.

“If you’re going to behave like a reckless, irresponsible child, that’s how I’m going to treat you.”

My jaw drops in furious disbelief.“Excuse me?”

We’ve reached the edge of the sidewalk, and without warning, Penn leans forward to set me on my own two feet beside a waiting town car. With a scowl, he opens the door and jerks his chin toward the dark interior, jaw clenched and eyes blazing. “Get in.”

I’ve never seen him so angry.

“Penn-“ I try again, but he just shakes his head.

“Get in the car, Daisy.Now.” Over his shoulder, a couple from the building next door watches the scene warily, clearly trying to decide if they’re witnessing a crime.

I shoot them a reassuring smile and duck into the car. This is just perfect. First everyone in a two-mile radius sees me walking up to my shitty apartment building with Penn Adler every day, and now he’s carrying me through the streets and ordering me into the back of luxury vehicles.

No wonder I was robbed.

“Am I being kidnapped?” I ponder loudly as the car pulls away from the curb, the driver’s eyes trained forward as if we aren’t sitting a few feet away from him, and he doesn’t hear every word we say.
