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We collapse in a tangle of limbs back to the mattress, sticky and panting.

It’s perfect.

“I love you so fucking much.” Penn murmurs, pulling my body against his and kissing my neck, cheeks, face. “You have no idea, Daisy.”

My lips twitch. “I might havesomeidea.”

He snorts, and I turn in his arms, cradling his face in my hands. He’s so handsome, even with the horrible bruise blooming over his right cheekbone. I touch it gingerly, biting back another apology.

It wasn’t my fault, I know that, but I still feel responsible. Maybe if I’d handled everything differently-

“Hey,” Penn claims my lips in a slow, indulgent kiss. I immediately feel myself relax, the anxiety beginning to creep up inside me only a moment ago, melting away.

“I don’t want him to hate you,” I confess when we finally break apart. “You’ve been friends longer than I’ve been alive.”

Penn sighs. “Phillip has always been a complicated man, Daisy. I’m sure you know that better than anyone. Your grandparents were good at giving money but not so good at love or attention. Is it any wonder Cash and Phillip went chasing public adoration?”

I swallow the lump in my throat. “I never knew that. He never said anything.”

“He kept it together when you were growing up as best he could, but I think all that pain is catching up to him now.” Sitting up, Penn grabs the blanket at the end of the bed and pulls it over both of us. “It’s going to be okay though, Daisy. I don’t want you to worry about Phillip and me.”

“How could I not?”

Penn smirks. “Well, for one thing, I have reason to believe he’s going to have a very good reason to get the hell over it.” My expression must look as confused as I feel because Penn laughs. “You’re not on birth control, are you, little brat?”

My heart skips a beat. How could I not have even thought about that? I guess I’d always expected he would pull out, considering we’d never had the discussion. “You came inside me without knowing if I could get pregnant or not?”

Penn’s big, rough hand moves from my hip to cup my still-tender pussy. “I did.” He confirms, a hungry expression on his face.

I let out a hysterical little laugh. “Isn’t it a little soon? We just got together and-”

I’m silenced with another fierce kiss, and against my thigh, Penn’s cock begins to harden. Without another word, he rolls me onto my back and reenters me, both of us groaning at the sensation.

“It’s not too soon.” Penn grunts in my ear, already pumping into me. “In fact, it’s not soon enough. I wasted so much time, little brat. I’m not going to waste any more.”

Our lovemaking isn’t like before. This time we cling to each other, murmuring promises back and forth until I break beneath the weight of his big body, locking my heels behind his back to keep his cock inside me as he finishes with a long groan.

It isn’t a mistake or a surprise this time. It’s a promise.

I’m his, he’s mine, and I know that everything is going to be all right. Penn will make sure of it.



3 Years Later

“I’m not sure how I feel about the whole world seeing me naked.”

I wrap my arm around my wife’s waist, smirking at the painting that is proudly displayed on the gallery wall before us.

She’s teasing me. She knows I’m the only one concerned about that. After three years, I’ve only become more possessive of her.

The first paintings I created in those turbulent first months of our relationship sold at auction for a frankly staggering amount of money. They’re something of modern classics now, though I can’t quite wrap my brain around the fact that something I created out of sheer, mindless need could have such an impact on so many people.

It didn’t take long for people to realize that the woman in the paintings was my young, beautiful wife. There was some controversy, but with my show gone, I was effectively no one again, and the media lost interest.

As it turns out, being a plain old painter is pretty boring to the general public.
