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"Something you'd like to share with the class, Lip?" Asks Caleb, eyebrows raised expectantly.

Beside him, Riley snorts. "I've told you for years they were fucking. You didn't believe me. I'll take my money in cash or cash, whatever's most convenient for you."

Caleb ignores him. "She's the one who got you to get sober? Damn, maybe when you two are through, I'll ask her out."

"The fuck you will." I snarl. "Don't even think about it, Caleb, I swear-"

"Okay, okay!" He holds his hands up. "Damn, sorry! I had no idea you guys were even together, never mind serious."

I should correct him, should set the record straight that Juliet and Iaren'ttogether, and we're definitely not serious. That would be the right thing to do, but the possessive monster inside me, the one that emerged the first day I laid eyes on Juliet Bower, has other plans. "We're keeping it quiet." I lie, crossing my arms and glaring at the scruffy bass player.

"We'll keep our mouths shut," Riley assures me, still looking inordinately pleased. "For what it's worth, Juliet is awesome, Lip. Way too good for your old ass. How long has it been going on?"

"A while," I reply shortly. That, at least, isn't a lie. I was hers from the moment we met, even if it took me a while to realize it.

I was a different person back then, and not a better one. I partied because that's what rockstars did, threw money around like it was water because I had it, drank myself stupid every night, and fucked women I was barely even attracted to. The rest of my bandmates had grown up, Penn was focused on his career, Daisy was distancing herself from me, and I was lost to the vicious cycle of self-loathing and alcoholism.

I hadn't known that the beautiful, bold young woman in the parking lot of my manager's office would change all that.

Denial was easier at first. I liked her. I wanted to help her out of a tough spot and had the sense she was just as starved for connection as I was. So I continued as I always had, even when my feelings for her could no longer be dismissed as mere attraction so easily.

It was my brother who did it. My brother came to me for help, admitting he was depressed. I hadn't seen it. How the hell could I have missed that my baby brother was in that dark a place? I'd broken down in Juliet's arms the night I took him to the doctor, and she'd taken me somewhere too the next day.

I didn't deserve her, and even now that I haven't touched a drink in over a year, I'm still fucking up. The difference is that now, I can't blame it on alcohol or drugs or anything else but myself.

Chapter Five


NeverbeforehaveIwished a sold-out show would end so I could go have sex.

Ilovewhat I do. Sex was always something done to celebrate the shows, not the other way around. Granted, it's been a few years since I've been with anyone, but I'm pretty confident it was nothing like this. Sex with Juliet…. Sex with Juliet is life-changing. She has me so addicted to her sweet, tight little cunt, that even playing to a sold-out concert hall doesn't compare.

We're in Seattle, it's a huge show, and the crowd is devouring everything we throw their way. I've been living the dream for the better part of two decades, and as shitty as it is to admit, this is all routine. The lights, the fans, the songs, none of it makes me feel as excited as it once did. We haven't produced anything new or innovative in years. We haven't put out an album in over five. We're old-timers now, coasting by on our classics, and none of this makes me feel half as alive as my assistant does.

Not just alive but happy. We've only been sleeping together for a month, but she already makes me feel happy for the first time in fuck-knows how long.

Whatever pretense we'd had for keeping things casual has gone out the window. With every passing day, my obsession grows. I'd been an unmanageable, jealous assholebeforewe started sleeping together. Now, I find myself making up tasks that keep her with me all day long. On the rare occasions she leaves my sight for more than a few hours, I'm tense and preoccupied, constantly checking my phone or watch and eyeing the door.

Technically the tour began with the show in San Francisco, but the grueling weeks on the road haven't started yet. Right now, we're playing the big West Coast cities on weekends and flying home after every show. Soon it won't make sense anymore, and we'll be staying in a different hotel every night, flying all over North America, then Europe. Days off are few and far between, though I'm determined to make sure Juliet doesn't work herself to the bone and has time to enjoy herself. She'd never traveled before we met, and the first time we were in Paris together, the only time she saw the Eiffel Tower was from the plane when we left.

Outwardly, our relationship hasn't changed. But early in the morning, whenever we finally get back from whatever city we've been in or press bullshit the label has us on to promote the tour, Juliet doesn't bother going back to her apartment. Sometimes we're so desperate for each other that we don't even kiss, there's just the frantic tearing of clothes, both of us panting, and then I have her bent over the bed, thrusting into her tight heat.

My good girl doesn't complain about my too-big cock hurting her anymore, she opens her legs nice and wide and begs for more.

I'm losing myself in her, and the ecstasy of it's almost enough to drown out the gaping hole in my life that is Penn and Daisy's absence.


I wake up with my cock pressed against Juliet's ass and the little spitfire in my arms, rocking back against it.

It's mid-afternoon, judging by the light shimmering at the edges of the blinds covering my bedroom windows. Still, we didn't get back from Seattle until nearly five in the morning, and neither of us had the energy to do more than get naked and crawl into bed together before passing out. This is our last day here for months. Tonight we fly to Montreal for the awards show and then on to Chicago for one of the largest shows of the tour.

I should probably be more worried about all that than I am, but right now, the biggest problem I have is the fierce ache in my balls and a horny little assistant in my arms. I might be twice her age, but I have a reputation to uphold. I can't let my girl start her day feeling this needy.

Neither of us speaks as I lift her leg back over my hip, the head of my cock finding her slippery entrance like a damn heat-seeking missile. Both of us groan as I push inside her tight heat. Weeks of nonstop fucking have taught me a lot, like when she makes that little whine, she wants more. Reaching over her, I fumble blindly for the lamp beside the bed and turn it on, spilling warm light over the gorgeous young thing I'm balls deep inside of.

I will never get used to the sight of Juliet's pussy stretched over my cock, her creamy wetness shining on my shaft as I fuck her in slow, deliberate rolls of my hips.
