Page 11 of Omega Run

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Omega Yten Lyra reached out and touched the cylinder that lit up, and as her fingers curled around it, the unit hummed. Metal shot out forward and back, and she stood with a spear in her hand, shrugging at the two shocked MaKorith.

The look in Imko’s eyes wasn’t good.

Lyra shrank the cylinder again and put it back on the wall. “Well, I guess you know what it does now. So, when the researchers get here, are they going to take me apart?”

Himmy blinked. “You are a Su’ath blank.”

Imko murmured, “Just us on that front now. No one else needs to know. How did you figure it out?”

“Himmy showed me the weapons, and they started to warm up, and the cylinder glowed.” Lyra stepped away from the wall of weapons to ease her hosts’ battle-ready bodies. “So, what do the Su’ath look like?”

Imko blinked. “Like us, but the skin shades are tinged with red. They have been stealing citizens for the last four decades.”

“Did you used to have a political relationship with the Su’ath?”

Imko frowned. “Of course. They were unstable allies.”

“So, when the omegas here were killed, did theirs survive? They had them, right?”

Imko blinked. “They did not mention them, and none were ever brought to territory negotiations.”

“So, you and they are not friendly... like ever.”

Himyana shrugged. “Never. We have not exchanged personnel, and the embassies on the colony worlds have been destroyed. There is no more shared occupancy on any of our worlds.”

Lyra twisted her lips and paused as two large trays were brought in. When they were alone again, she wandered over to the trays and started eating.

Imko muttered, “We are having dinner in three hours.”

Lyra’s stomach rumbled alarmingly, and she kept eating. “Whatever my body is doing with the food, it is doing it fast, and there doesn’t seem to be any indicators of processing.”

Himmy chuckled and said, “Speaking of, excuse me.” She waddled her way to a door in the corner of the room.

Imko looked at Lyra. “So, do you think you are a plant of some kind?”

She met his gaze and crossed her arms. “I think the Su’ath were trying to do the same thing you are, but your guys managed to catch the consciousnesses and stuff them in the bodies. What I want to know is how this body processes food because it doesn’t feel normal.”

He looked at her and nodded. “Right. I am going to make some calls. Are you up for some invasive exams?”

“Oh, baby. Talk dirty to me,” she muttered.

His raised brows and grin made her realize what she had said to this guy who was nearly four times her size. She clapped a hand over her mouth.

He picked up a tablet and opened a link. “Kresso, I have a guest here who needs a full and discreet exam.”

“Has Himyana cut you off?”

“No, if she cut me off, it would be an emergency, and you would need to bring blood.” Imko chuckled. “It is for a friend of Himmy’s who isn’t feeling like herself.”

“Fine. I will be there in an hour. Please have me cleared for arrival.”

“Are you sure? It is so much more fun when you fight your way in.” Imko chuckled.

“Why couldn’t I have had a brother who was less political?”

“Because then you wouldn’t have a brother who was so good-looking,” Imko smirked. “See you in an hour. Bring a full kit.”

“Kthack,”the man on the screen muttered. He disappeared.
