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I pack away empty water bottles into the cute wicker baskets I had picked up. Both Noah and Luka had a large amount of what I assume is free merch in their houses. Noah had a small area in his kitchen where he stored things while he considered if he wanted to keep it. I suspected Noah was actually tidy as hell and I’m not really sure why he’d hired an organizer to help with his closet.

Luka on the other hand seemed to dump everything he didn’t know what to do with into this room. He was a little messier. Before I met the guys, I would pick apart everything that made a guy not quite the ‘right’ one. I never considered I was never meant to have justoneMr. Right. What if I was meant to have two?

Don’t worry, bad girl. Some women are meant to be shared.Luka’s words are living in my mind rent-free and it’s hard to concentrate on getting things arranged just right. I can hear noises through the pantry door and it’s like a part of me knows they’re out there, waiting for me.

Will they tell me it’s been fun; they just wanted a quick fuck? Do they try to seduce all the hired help?So what if they did? I tell myself. I had fun, I had amazing sex. And this job has been great. I got enough content from both for several videos and if they follow through and connect me with other players, I might make a niche for myself with professional athletes.

I look at the pantry, realizing I don’t have anything else to do. I can hear the TV and the rumble of a conversation. I have to go through the living room to exit the apartment. There’s no possible way to slip out unnoticed.

I stand and pack up my things, straightening my shoulders and my hair.I can do this, I think, wiping my hands nervously on my jeans.

I suck in air as I leave the pantry and pull the shoulder strap of my bag a little higher before stepping into the living room.

We all freeze – me in the doorway between the living room and kitchen, and the guys on the couch, both in sweats, shirtless, and looking way too pleased with themselves.

“Well, hello there, honey. You finally decide to come out of hiding?” My mouth waters at the smell of Chinese food and I take in the spread on the coffee table. Half-naked men and Chinese food. Are these guys trying to break me?

“I wasn’t hiding,” I say the words slowly, watching a smile spread across Luka’s face. “I was organizing, that’s myjob. It’s why I’m here.”

Noah stands up and walks around the couch.

“And are you done? With the pantry?”

“Yes,” I answer, wondering if this is some kind of test.

He strides toward me and sweeps my bag off my shoulder before pulling me to the couch.

“Good, dinners here.”

He gently pushes on my shoulders until I’m sitting next to Luka. Noah sits on my other side, and I’m once again squeezed between these two giants.

“What do you like, sweetheart,” Luka asks me as he brushes a kiss against the side of my neck before grabbing a plate from the coffee table.

“Oh, I’d like a little bit of everything, I guess.” Noah pauses, filling his own plate to look at me and I blush. Why does everything sound like an innuendo?

“A little bit of everything, coming right up.” Luka winks at me and loads my plate with way more food than I would serve myself. Curling my legs under me, I sit crisscross, my knees hitting each of their thighs.

Noah cups my knee while taking a huge bite of fried rice. I’ve never seen someone eat as much as Noah.

“You need something to drink, honey?’ He asks me, scooping up another bite.

“I have water in my bag,” Luka pops up and goes into the kitchen, bringing back bottles of water for all of us. I take it gratefully, balancing my plate on my knee to take a sip.

I expect them to talk about it, to talk about us. But instead, Noah eats more food and Luka finds a movie that we all seem to want to watch. It’s nice and feels strangely…domestic. Like we’re three people who might actually be in a relationship, living our lives with each other.

“Are you done?” Luka asks me and I nod, passing over my half-eaten food. He smiles and leans in to kiss me before stacking plates and dishes. His butt looks good when he takes them into the kitchen.

When I’m alone with Noah, he leans back and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

“Have fun this afternoon?” His voice is hushed, and I can hear water running in the kitchen.

“It was – productive,” I choose my words carefully. Everything is so new and fragile between us.

“Hmm, is that what you want to call it?” He brushes a kiss behind my ear before pulling me closer.

“I had fun,” I say, laying my head on his shoulder. It’s big and a little hard but strangely comfortable. I had more than fun. Between Noah and Luka, I had the best sex of my life. Toe curling with a side of deep-seated fear that I might never experience pleasure that good ever again.

“Good,” he rumbles under my ear, squeezing my shoulder. “I don’t mind picking up his slack though, just let me know.”
