Page 16 of Stolen Vows

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My lips sought hers out with uncontrollable impatience. I pulled her against me, not shying away from the fact that she could probably feel how rock hard I was for her against her hip. She kissed me with just as much urgency, which only made me want her that much more.

The gloss on her lips tasted like cherries, and I ran my tongue along her lower lip. Fuck. She tasted as good as she looked, and I wanted to throw her on the table, rip off her panties, and eat that sweet little pussy until she screamed. It was at that moment that I knew I would never get enough of her.


When I finally pulled away, I didn’t want to let go.

“The restaurant is waiting for our arrival,” I explained, a bit disappointed that I wasn’t leading her straight back up to her bedroom.

“We wouldn’t want them to wait for us,” she murmured, and I could have sworn I could see the briefest sense of yearning in her eyes too.

I wound my arm around her waist and firmly led her out to the car. She gasped a little, and I caught the tail end of the sound, just enough to tell me that she wasn’t just having an effect on me, but that I was having just as much—if not more—of one on her.

I smirked and carefully helped her climb into the car. The muscles of her thighs tensed as she pressed her thighs together, trying to keep me from glimpsing in between her legs. I caught a nearly inaudible whine escape her mouth as my hands drifted down to her hip. Daring to go a bit further, I allowed my thumb to only just caress the upper swell of her backside, and I was rewarded with another soft sigh.

Fuck. This woman was going to be the death of me.

I slid in beside her and wound my arm around her as the car drove away. Her body seemed to yield to mine, almost as if she was seeking me out this time, and I breathed even easier. Last night hadn’t scared her off after all.

Maybe it would end up bringing us closer together.



Ihad spent the entire day wanting to be angry with him. I felt like Ishouldbe scared of him. Even though I hadn’t seen it explicitly, chances were that he’d shot a man last night, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt like he’d almost done it for me. From what he had said, he hadn’t been planning to kill him, maybe just teach him a lesson about loyalty in the dark and the dirty world he operated in.

Sure, in the moment, the whole situation had been terrifying. I’d been caught off guard and I hadn’t expected to see him like that, but after things had settled and I’d gotten a good night’s rest, I realized that it wasn’t really out of the realm of possibilities for a man like him.

It would be naïve of me to think otherwise. What other man would walk into the chapel to find a woman left at the altar with the express purpose of marrying her instead?

He had money and from the looks of things, a lot of it. I’d looked up several of the gifts he’d purchased for me and found that they cost far more than I’d initially thought. I wasn’t the type of girl to go on a shopping spree, but even if I did, he probably wouldn’t bat an eye at the cost. My gut told me he wouldn’t even ask to see any of the receipts. For him, it was probably only a blip on the radar in the vast ocean of his wealth.

Even before last night, I knew that he was most likely involved in activities that toed the line of legality, and many more that were probably straight up illegal. He was familiar with organized crime in a way that someone that was comfortable within that world would be. I’d lived in Chicago for much of my life, and I hadn’t heard of the Lenkovs, nor did I know anything about their criminal empire until the day of my wedding, and that had only been because of Sergei.

The more I saw, the more I realized that he led a very powerful family of his own.

I had spent all day ramping myself up to give Sergei a piece of my mind because I felt that’s what anyone in my life would have told me I needed to do, but when I’d laid my eyes on him for the first time that day, every bit of that contrived anger and fear bled away.

The only thing left now was curiosity.

I’d said yes to this man on nothing more than gut instinct. We were still practically strangers to one another, but I knew without even having to ask that he would never hurt me. When he touched me, it was gentle, and when he talked to me, he was always sweet. If I showed any hint of anything other than happiness, his concern was always heartfelt because he just wanted to know how he could make it better.

I couldn’t deny the physical attraction between us either. There seemed to be an ever-tightening rope of tension between us, and I wondered how much farther it could go until it snapped.

Even just sitting against him in the car was enough to set my body on fire. With every touch, my nerves ignited with passionate need, and I wished for the thousandth time that he would just throw me over his shoulder and carry me up to bed where he would have his way with me, over and over again, until we collapsed in each other’s arms.

I could already feel the rope beginning to fray on my end. I wasn’t sure about his feelings for me yet, but I hoped that they were the same. If only I could read his mind so that I could know for certain what he was thinking. I sighed, wishing that such a thing was possible in my current reality.

“It’s not much farther. I know you’re probably hungry,” he smiled gently.

“It’s been some time since I had a good piece of steak,” I admitted, grateful that he’d read my uneasiness as hunger rather than what it really was. With a soft smile, I peered up at him.

“The filet is especially good,” he added.

“That’s my favorite,” I exclaimed, suddenly looking forward to dinner far more than I had been all day.

His arm wrapped around my waist, and I did the same to him, enjoying the way I fit against him. He kept his touches annoyingly chaste, and I had to force myself to temper that aggravation. It was sweet of him not to force anything physical between us yet. That’s what all my girlfriends would say, but if I told them that I just wanted him to tear my clothes off and fuck me hard, they’d probably look at me like I had three heads.
