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She laughs. “Don’t remind me.”

“And if that creep comes in again?”

“Are we still talking about this?”

“We are. Now, answer the question.”

“I’m going to text you and let you know.”

“Good girl,” he says. “I’ve got to walk Daisy, so I’ll leave you to clean up and get to bed.”

“Yes, sir.”

He gives my ass a firm smack as he gets out of the shower, leaving me wrapped in a cloak of emotions warmer than the water raining down on me. Gwen was right. I have it bad for him.



“Ican’t believe this,” she marvels.

“Did you doubt me?”

She shakes her head. “No, I didn’t doubt you… not really. I just… I’m not used to people following through with what they say they’ll do.”

“So… you doubted me,” I say with a grin.

“Oh hush,” she chuckles and looks at me with excitement in her eyes. “Thank you, Lane. This means a lot to me.”

“It’s just a hockey game.”

“It’s more than that,” she insists.

For the past few days, we’ve been virtually inseparable. It’s been fucking amazing, and I’ve never craved time with somebody more than I crave time with Lanie. And it’s not just about the sex. I mean it goes without saying being inside her is my favorite place to be, but I genuinely enjoy being around her. Who knew, right? I hate most people. They’re fucking annoying.

But Lanie?

She’s intelligent, witty, and funny. She has me laughing constantly. I honestly can’t recall a time in my life when I’ve laughed more than I have with her. And even though we’ve spent every waking moment we have available together, it’s not enough. I still want more time with her. More. More. More. That's something I know I haven't ever said about anybody in my entire life.

Lanie has stayed over at my place every evening and we’ve gone out to dinner a few times and take Daisy out to the dog park almost every day. Other than that, we stayed in and watched movies, listened to music, and even played a few board games. Lanie seems perfectly content being a homebody. Which, truth be told, I am too.

I’ve never been one for the party and club scene. The music there annoys me to no end and makes me want to break something.

But tonight, I wanted to do something special for Lanie. Not for any reason in particular, but just because I thought a night out might be fun—and good for us. Not that I don’t enjoy staying in and having incredible sex with her, but she's been busting her butt in her classes and working so much, I thought she needed a night to cut loose.

So, I rented a luxury suite for tonight’s game against Seattle and before we headed to the arena, I had a car pick us up and take us to one of LA’s best sushi joints where we ate and had a few drinks to loosen up before the game. Only the best for my baby.

“This is really special,” she says. “And it means a lot that you planned this all out.”

A small smile creases my lips. “You’re welcome. You should know by now I’d do anything for you.”

As the lights go down, the crowd ramps up and the music starts to thunder as the player introductions are made. Lanie jumps to her feet and claps as tonight’s goalie—who has come to be her favorite player—is announced. I’d bought a jersey for her—with the goalie’s number, of course—and it’s humungous on her. She’s swimming in it even with a hoodie underneath it. I have to say, though, I’m picturing her wearing nothing but that jersey and feeling myself growing hard. It’s an image that’s sexy as hell. I can’t wait to take it off her later.

“What?” she asks.

“Nothing,” I reply.

She grins. “You were picturing me naked, weren’t you?”
