Page 54 of Three Wishes

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“Probably, but he’s also a reasonable man. Once I explain everything, he’ll come around. Hell, maybe the two of you will end up being friends.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, Dee, but maybe you’re right.”

“Thanks for what you said, Dennis.” I moved for him to follow me to the door. “I appreciate it.”

“I needed to get it off my shoulders.” He stepped around me so we stood face to face. “And I needed to put things right. Not just for me and you, but for our boys too.”

“Our boys.” Those words choked me up again and this time, I was helpless to stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks.

“Yes. Our boys. You’re their mother, even if you didn’t give birth to them. You’ve always been there when they needed you and you’ve always gone above and beyond to do what a mother does for her children. I’m glad we can be parents together and I hope we can be friends.”

“Me too, friend. Me too.”

Dennis grinned and went to hug me when the front door slammed open and a wild-eyed Travis stood in the doorway, trembling with rage.

“Oh shit,” I barely managed to say before all hell broke loose.



Thispastweekendwassimply amazing. I hated to use that term because it was so overused, but it was the only word that seemed adequate. Spending the weekend with Dee, enjoying our days and spending the night with her in my arms, had been pure bliss.

She’d kissed me and waved goodbye as I dropped her off at her house. It wasn’t until I was almost home that an unfamiliar car was pulling into her driveway as I drove off. Dee had mentioned something about Runa having some trouble at her apartment. I wanted to say that was it, but something didn’t seem right. Knowing this was going to bother me, I turned around just before reaching home and drove back to Dee’s house on the other side of town.

The car was still there when I pulled into the driveway and parked behind it. This silver sedan was not Runa’s ancient, bright red Toyota Camry. It belonged to someone else, and I had a feeling I knew who. Pushing my rising anger down, I turned off my SUV and got out. I ordered myself to remain calm as I headed up to her front door. Any attempt to keep a levelhead went right out the window as soon as I heard the low hum of voices echo from inside.

A man. A man was inside withmyDee. And not just any man. The one who hadno rightto be here! The bastard! Fury burned through my veins. Unable to hold myself back, I ran the last few steps and, finding the door unlocked, threw it open.

“Oh, shit!” Dee gasped as the door swung back and smacked the wall. Beyond angry, I stared at the two of them.

“What the fuck is going on here?” I demanded, angry to see Dennis standing so close tomywoman.

“Travis, it’s not what you think.” Dee was quick to explain. Even though we hadn’t been together long, she knew how I’d react to seeing her ex in her house standing so close to her.

“Oh, and what is it I think?” I popped off, angry that he’d had the nerve to be here.

“Dennis and I were simply clearing the air,” Dee replied honestly. Even though I knew she was telling me the truth, my jealousy, trust issues, and insecurities had me acting like an asshole.

“Sure,” I popped off, totally believing her, but not for a second trusting the intentions of the asshole next to her.

“It’s true. I wanted—” Dennis began, but I raised my hand, cutting him off.

“I don’t fucking care what you want,” I snarled. Dennis gulped and after mumbling to Dee that he’d speak to her later, he high-tailed it out the back door. The chump wasn’t even man enough to face me and go out the front.

“Travis!” Dee charged over to where I stood. We were face-to-face, eyes locked, both seething mad for completely different reasons.

“Dee!” I roared back. Again, I knew I was being an irrational ass, but I just couldn’t stop. Jealousy and hurt had possession of the wheel right now and refused to relinquish their control.

“What the hell is going on?” Her hands went to her hips as she fixed me with a glare.

“I could ask you the same thing!”

“What are you doing here? I thought you went home?”

“I forgot something, and I’m glad I did! Why was that dickhead here? And so soon after I dropped you off? Did you call him over once I was gone? Or did you set this whole thing up before we left?”

Dee blasted out a frustrated huff. “What the hell are you talking about? No, I didn’t call him. He just showed up. You’d know that if you’d listen to me. I’m trying to tell you that all he wanted was to talk.”
