Page 58 of Three Wishes

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"You'll break Amie's heart," I reminded him. Travis responded by nipping my ear and bringing me to orgasm with his fingers. From the office, we headed to the laundry room where I dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth. I had barely gotten a taste when Travis picked me up and fucked me against the wall. We ended our reunion in the kitchen with me spread out across the island and Travis' head buried between my thighs. By the time evening fell, we were both exhausted but not nearly done with each other. We still had a lot of making up to do, but in order to that, both of us needed to rest a spell and refuel for the night ahead. We were standing at the kitchen island checking out the menu from a local Chinese restaurant when the front door clicked open and a small, dark curly head blasted through.

“I’m sorry we’re early.” An unfamiliar woman spoke casually as she also let herself in.

“What happened, Pumpkin?” Travis asked. Amie, who stood with her back to us as she slipped off her backpack, refused to answer.

“Amie Bo Bamie? What’s the matter sweetheart?” I asked, anxious for her reaction.

“DEE!” Amie shifted gears and ran towards me. “DEE DEE! You’re back! You came-d home!” I caught Amie as she jumped and hugged her close. I twirled us around, grateful to have her and her father near. She laughed and laid several sloppy kisses upon my cheek.

“I take it you missed me?”

“Oh, I did! I miss-ed you soooo much! We didn’t get to finish watching Blippi and Daddy is so bad at Fashion Show! Healwaysbrushes their hair wrong! And his walk is path-tetic! He doesn’t know how to sashay!”

I couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up from my throat. I shifted Amie to my hip as Travis introduced me to Tami’s mother. I fully expected her to dislike me, but Andie Davenport surprised me with how warm and welcoming she was. Twenty minutes later, Amie was upstairs changing and Travis had just seen Andie to the door.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” He laughed as he walked back to where I stood. Travis settled his hands upon my shoulders before pressing his lips to my forehead.

“This is all I’ve ever wanted, Travis. Thanks to you, all of my wishes came true. There’s no place I’d rather be.”

“Good, now help me pick something out to feed our girl. I’m sure she’s hungry and she always sleeps better with a full stomach.”

“Do I sense an ulterior motive here, Mr. MacDaniel?” I grinned, knowing just what he had in mind.

“Why yes, you do, Ms. Cavanaugh.” He dropped a kiss to my lips before dropping another to my neck. “You see, the sooner we put Amie to bed, the sooner I can putyouto bed.” He followed up his cheeky words with a wink and another open mouth kissed to the sensitive skin just below my ear. Later that night, Amie, Travis, and I had eaten her fill and we’d played a few rounds of Fashion Show. Travis had put her to bed minutes before and she lay in her room zonked out.

“It’s time totuckyou in.” His voice was flirty and matched the mischievous twinkle in his eye.

“Oh? What makes you think I need to betuckedin?” I flirted back as I took his hand and led him down the hall to his bedroom.

“Because I can guarantee you’re barely going to get any sleep tonight, baby.”

“Then tuck away, Travis. Tuck away.”

And he did. Travis made good on all his promises. Especially the one to love me for the rest of his days.




“RemindmetoaskTravis if Jason and I can use his cabin!” Casey exclaimed as we were seated at our table in L’Orangerie. We’d agreed to meet up for lunch and when we arrived, a small line had formed at the hostess stand. Not one to flaunt the perks she had as the owner’s wife, we chose to wait. I’d been showing her the array of photos I’d taken while the line slowly trickled down until we were next. Each one left her gasping and half-shrieking with excitement.

“Why? Do I look that relaxed?” I couldn’t stop grinning. This past weekend had been an absolute dream. Travis had taken me back to the cabin, along with Amie. We’d spent the two days we were there hiking, fishing, cooking out over the campfire, and finding our rhythm as a family. Travis and I also found our rhythm later after Amie had gone to bed. I’d never wanted this weekend to end, but it did. Thankfully, we could repeat it any time we wanted to.

“Because that place looks absolutely amazing and yes, you look like you’re getting it on the regular. You’re all shiny and glowy now.” Casey winked as she linked her arm with mine and led us inside the bistro. I waited until we were seated at what had become our table before replying.

“I’m enjoying my time with Travis,” was all I said.

“And you’re enjoying all the orgasms he’s giving you, too. Don’t even try to deny it. I can tell by that smile on your face.”

“I know not of what you speak,” I playfully feigned ignorance. My best friend replied with a very unladylike snort.

“Oh please!” Casey batted her hand at me. “You’ve been after me since Jason and I reconnected for all the dirty details—which I have since given you, by the way—and now suddenly you’re turning prude on me?” Casey barked out a laugh. “I don’t think so. I told you about all the wonderful things he did to me while he had me laid out across his kitchen island like his personal charcuterie platter. Do not think I’m going to let you off by scrimping on the details about your rustic getaway.”

“What are you ladies talking about?” my man said as he suddenly appeared beside us, standing next to a grinning Jason. Casey instantly blushed. I had no doubt they’d both heard the charcuterie platter comment.

“Travis!” My voice went a little high and was more than excited. My cheeks burned too from the sudden blush that blazed a trail across them. Travis smiled down at me, his eyes filled with mischief and a healthy dose of lust. I made a mental note to help him deal with that later after we got home.
