Page 32 of Healing Kiss

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“This is a fancy event, and I’ll need you to dress the part. How will you accomplish that from the hospital?”


“That’s what I thought. You don’t have a plan. Will it really kill you to stay a little longer?”

It might. And him as well.

The pressure increased behind her eyelids. She pressed her fingers against her sinuses, a poor attempt to stop the pain. She really didn’t have the strength to argue with him. She just wanted to get back to her sister.

“Fine. I’ll stay one more day. Just take me back to the hospital. Please.”

He stood and held out a hand to assist her. “Of course. And I’ll get you an aspirin.”

Lillian blinked up at him. “Thank you.” She took a breath and placed her hand in Tristan’s.

The room finally stopped spinning.


Tristan kept to his own thoughts on the way to the hospital, mostly because he’d didn’t want to upset Zoey further, but he wasn’t fooled by her innocent act. She’d been so frightened of Dominic she’d been physically ill, which meant…what?

He pulled onto the street and headed west toward the hospital before glancing her way again. She sat clutching her purse, seemingly lost in thought. What exactly did she have in there?

He pressed on the accelerator and moved into the left lane to pass a semi-truck. Something didn’t add up about Zoey. She was on the run from someone or something. And he still hadn’t fully digested the conversation he’d had with Mel while Zoey had been taking a shower.

“I’ve talked to Hannah Milano’s doctor, and he says the patient has had an amazing turnaround,” Mel had told him.

He’d agreed. Hannah had made a remarkable recovery.

“It’s more than remarkable, Tristan,” Mel continued. “From what the doctor told me, the patient has gone from her lungs and organs shutting down last night to sitting up in bed this morning talking and laughing. You know how rare that is? One in a million. It’s incredible. She’s a walking miracle.”

It was incredible, wasn’t it? Impossible his visit had any impact on Hannah. He hadn’t even attempted to talk to her.

Tristan flicked another glance at Zoey. Annie Logan’s recovery had also happened overnight after Zoey had paid her a visit. One minute the little girl had been deathly sick, and the next day she was sent home symptom-free. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think Zoey had slipped the child a miracle drug or something.

His heartbeat sped up, and he tightened his grip on the wheel.

I’m a talented nurse.

Did her talent run to healing patients overnight?

I have an outstanding track record.

What exactly was her track record?

I’m great with patients—at easing fears and listening to confidences and consoling their loved ones when they feel all hope is gone. I could offer you or your family my services.

He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. Did her services include miracle cures? If this were true, why had she asked him to visit Hannah?

He pulled into the hospital and parked in the visitor lot. He had so many questions buzzing around in his brain with no place to land. Because what he’d just entertained in his thoughts wasn’t possible…was it?

Nah.He’d watched her the whole time with Hannah, and she’d done nothing but hold the woman’s hands.

The minute he shut the car off, Zoey unfastened her seatbelt and opened the door. She scurried toward the entrance, hunching as if she didn’t want to be noticed. Who was she hiding from?

He scrambled from the vehicle and hurried after her. He was letting his imagination overrule his logic. People couldn’t miraculously cure other people of fatal illnesses simply by touching them. But what if Zoey had slipped Hannah a shot of a powerful drug?

“You’re awake,” Zoey said to Hannah when they entered her room. Her friend lay propped against the pillows in the hospital bed. A large ball of blue yarn lay next to her, and she held a pair of knitting needles, which she put to good use. Her dad still sat in a chair by her bedside.
