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“Hi,” Tazeem called out to one of those beautiful flight attendants as she passed him by. “Do you have in-flight Wi-Fi?”

“Of course, sir.” She smiled as she stopped by him. “Do you want me to set you up?”

“Please.” He gestured towards his laptop.

Hooking him up to their network should’ve been easy and fast, but the lady took her sweet time. She also kept smiling at him and brushing her body to the side of his as she worked. At one point, she even grabbed his wrist to laugh about something.

It was obvious that she was interested in him.

“What’s your name?” he asked while giving her his patented million megawatt smile; the one that had dropped more panties than an RnB musician.

“Michelle,” she answered throatily.

“Michelle.” He tested her name on his tongue and rolled it around like it was the sweetest nectar. “That’s a pretty name. Just like its owner.”

She giggled. And he knew he had her.

The flirting continued as Michelle tinkered with his laptop; double-entendres, a coy touch here and there, lots of smiles and giggling. For some people, the situation could’ve crossed into inappropriate, but Tazeem was a pro. He’d been seducing girls since the moment he ditched his diapers. He knew which lines to cross and which ones to stay behind.

By the time Michelle was done with her task, her face was flushed and her lips were half-parted as if she was having a hard time breathing.

“Oops,” she exclaimed when her tit brushed against his shoulder. “Sorry.”

But they both knew she wasn’t sorry.

Though Tazeem smirked, he didn’t call her out on it.

“Thank you, Michelle.” He commandeered his laptop again. “I hope you’ll come and see me later when you have a little free time.”

“Of course, Tazeem.” She paused for a second then seductively added, “If you need anything… anything at all, just call me and I’ll tend to youreveryneed.”

Well, damn!

Tazeem tilted his head slightly into the aisle so he could watch her body sway as she walked away. Any fool could tell that she’d put in a little extra swagger in her hips for him. The lady had a great body on her, and for a second, she had Tazeem considering renewing his membership to the Mile High Club. But after thinking about it, he changed his mind.

Flirting was harmless, but once sex was thrown into the mix, things could get very complicated very fast.

Right now, he just wasn’t interested in complicated.

Shoving Michelle out of his mind, he got to work. He answered a few pending emails, then fixed his earpiece and made a video call.

A minute or so later, Ren Masterson, their company’s Global Sales EVP and Tazeem’s best friend, picked up the call.

“The hell?” Ren cussed gruffly as soon as his pale face appeared onscreen. His chest was bare and he was unshaven. His eyes were hooded as if he’d just woken up or hadn’t slept yet. “Dude, it’s five a.m. Why the hell are you calling me?”

“Sorry.” Tazeem winced as he checked his watch. “I forgot we were in different time zones. It’s eleven here.”

“It’s cool!” Ren immediately waved off the apology. “Why are you calling me for?”

“Wait! If it’s so early, shouldn’t you be offline?” Tazeem asked. “Why are you doing on your computer?”

“You know.” Ren’s eyes darted around as he evasively hedged, ‘This and that.”

“This and that?” Tazeem lifted an eyebrow then smirked. “Ren, my boy. My dude. Are you surfing porn while Lucy is asleep?”

“What? No, I’m not,” Ren denied, but the panic in his eyes sold him out.

“Dude, this is why I told you not to be in a relationship.” Tazeem laughed. “Monogamy is for suckers and boys who can’t get it up. If you were a free bird, you wouldn’t need to satisfy yourself with video girls. You could just hit up Tinder, and get some ass. You’re doing yourself a disservice, my friend.”
