Page 74 of Tempting the Player

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“I’m just shocked.” Tazeem’s lips lifted in a smile as he asked, “Is this really the Chess I know?”

Confusion shone in her eyes. “Hmm?”

“The Chess I know is a firecracker who acts instantly,” he noted. “I’m surprised you didn’t lop off Derrick’s head as soon as you suspected him of betrayal.”

“Yeah, that’s the Chess from eight years ago.” She chuckled. “I’ve grown up.”

He teased, “You hadn’t grown up two months ago when you knocked me out the second you saw me.”

“That was different.” She stared at him accusingly, “You were goading me.”

“I only did that because you were looking so sexy.” He scooched closer to her on the sofa and wrapped his arm around her waist. “If you don’t want me to tease you, don’t be so sexy.”

“Hey.” She immediately moved away from him. “I told you we can’t do this kind of stuff in front of Jay. It will confuse him.”

“But he’s not here,” Tazeem said.

Jay was currently in his bedroom doing his homework.

“But I am,” Senia announced as she emerged from the kitchen with a glass of coke. “You two are doing a terrible job hiding your little relationship. I’m surprised Jay hasn’t noticed. I had high hopes for that kid, but I guess he’s not the genius I thought. Disappointing!”

“Don’t lose hope yet.” Tazeem laughed. “He’s just eight years old. He still has time to surprise you.”

“We’ll see.” Senia settled on the armchair adjacent to the couch. “What are you guys up to?”

“We’re just figuring out what our next step is.” Chess went ahead to brief Senia about everything that had been happening with Derrick, and where they were at with catching him.

“My guys already have the time of the post and the IP address of the computer used,” Tazeem explained. “They’ve traced it to a library that’s just a few blocks from Synovent. But we’re having trouble getting the CCTV footage from the library because they won’t give it out without a warrant. I’m trying to convince your sister to take this whole thing to the cops so we can get the warrant.”

Chess shook her head. “I can’t do that.”

“Why not?” Tazeem asked for what seemed like the hundredth time this evening. “Because he’s your friend? He’s not. Everything he’s done makes it clear that you’re the only one who thinks you two are friends.”

“I know that but-” She paused a beat. “It’s not just about him. I also have to think about how this will affect Kendall and Frankie. If this leads to Derrick being arrested, what will they do?”

“They’re not your responsibility.”

“I know.” She sighed. “But I care about them. Their lives are already hard enough. I don’t want to do anything that will make their lives harder.”

Tazeem shook his head. “I hope they appreciate your loyalty because-”

“Umm guys.” Senia interrupted their argument with a hand up. Once she had their attention, she asked, “You two know that finding things hidden in computers is my job, right?”

Both Tazeem and Chess answered, “Yeah.”

“So why would you put anyone else on this job?” Grinning and rubbing her hands like a villain who was plotting world dominance, she asked, “What’s the library?”

As soon as Senia had a name, she was out of the room.

“Are you sure she can get us the CCTV footage?” Tazeem worried. “Even my guys had a hard time and they’re with the government.”

“Senia works with the guys who pay your guys,” Chess informed him. “Trust me. She can do this.”

“Okay. But that makes me wonder…” He paused for a beat before asking, “If you’re not going to do anything about Derrick, then why are we working so hard to get proof?”

“I won’t just sit back and do nothing.” Chess said, “I’ll get him off my team.”

“That’s all?” Tazeem asked, “You’re just going to leave him roaming in the wild? What if he still comes after you? He doesn’t have to be on your team to sabotage you.”
