Page 90 of Tempting the Player

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Chess continued, “But they won’t do anything to me. They might act a little cold, but I can handle that.”

“Do you want me to go with you?” Tazeem asked.

Her first instinct was to decline the offer. She’d been single for so long that she’d gotten used to just doing things on her own and not depending on someone.

But she wasn’t alone anymore, was she?

She didn’t need to be so strong all the time anymore. She now had someone she could lean on when she most needed it.

She nodded. “Yes, please!”

With a smile, Tazeem reached over and squeezed her hand. “Okay.”



HESS AND TAZEEM WEREN’T THE only ones who’d had the bright idea to visit Kendall. Several people were already at the Newman’s house when they arrived.

Though there were one or two people from Synovent, most of the visitors were friends and relatives of the family. Still, Chess knew many of them. She had to stop for small-talk over and over as she slowly made her way to the living room where Kendall was.

As predicted, Kendall’s brother, Scott, and his partner, Kyle, were noticeably cold when Chess and Tazeem approached them, but they didn’t cause a fuss. Kendall’s welcome was the exact opposite. She seemed happy, even relieved, to see Chess.

“Chess, hi!” Kendall rose from the couch where she’d been flanked by two women and walked straight to Chess with a smile. “I didn’t know you were coming over.”

“Sorry.” Chess hugged her friend. “I tried to call you but your phone was off.”

“I had to turn it off. Too many calls.” Still smiling, Kendall turned to Tazeem. “Hi. You must be Tazeem.”

“I am.” Tazeem shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

To people who didn’t know her, Kendall might have seemed strangely okay for someone whose husband was missing or worse, dead. But to Chess, this was just Kendall being Kendall. Despite her frail stature, she’d always been mentally strong. Even when she’d received her cancer diagnosis, Derrick was the one who’d had a panic attack. Kendall had been too busy finding out how she could live longer and making plans in case she became terminal. She wasn’t the type to let her weakness show.

“I’ve heard so much about you,” Kendall said to Tazeem.

“Good things I hope?”

“Good things.” Kendall grinned. “Definitely good things.”

“These are for you.” Tazeem held out the shopping bag that they’d loaded with fruits and other packaged foods.

“Thank you.” Kendall took the bag, but immediately someone came to their side to take it from her. “You didn’t have to.”

“We wanted to.” Concern in her expression and tone, Chess asked, “How are you holding up?”

“Fine. But-” Kendall looked around the packed room. It seemed she was hesitant to talk when there were so many curious ears around.

“Come on.” Chess took her hand. “Why don’t we speak somewhere private?”

“Yeah.” Kendall offered, “There’s no one in my bedroom.”

“I’ll wait here while you talk,” Tazeem offered.

“I’ll be back soon.” Chess stroked his arm in reassurance before following Kendall out of the living room.

Kendall was wrong about there being no one in her room. Frankie was there, but he was deep asleep. He didn’t even stir as the ladies sat on the bed.

“Now tell me-” Chess took her friend’s hand. “-how are you really doing?”
