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“Really, Ivy? Is that how you start a conversation with anyone? You have no class at all! At least let her get a glass of wine or two in her system.”

“Bitch, you wanted to know the same thing! Quit acting like we weren’t just talking about it. You love to play this Mother Teresa role, but we know how you get down. Must I remind you that I found a pair of handcuffs and your magic pleasure box in your office,” Ivy stated.

“Those were props for the photo shoot for the new line of lingerie that I am designing. If you found the props you had to be snooping in my office for something,” Nova questioned.

“Okay, back to my original question. Have you…”

“How is the new nanny job going?” Nova interrupted Ivy’s original question.

Aubree looked at both women shaking her head. “It is going well. You know how my grandmother feels about this and lets me know every day the mistake I am making. But other than that, I am adjusting to this nanny gig. The pay is more than worth anything that I have encountered while there. I wouldn’t quit unless Grant did something way out of line.”

With the help of Mrs. B, Aubree had settled into a daily routine with Chanel. She was picking Chanel up from school unless Grant told her differently; typically, that was when his mother or sister was picking her up for a weekend visit. Once Chanel was picked up from school, Aubree would help her with homework then take her to dance classes or her other social activities. On rare occasions, Aubree would just spend time with Chanel playing games, going to the park, watch her favorite kid shows, or teaching her how to bake. That was one of Aubree’s favorite things to do with her grandmother and mom when she was little; baking cookies, cakes, and pies. Before things took a turn for the worst in their family. Before Diane lost her mind and decided that she didn’t want a family anymore. Aubree wanted to give Chanel those special times and experiences because she knew first-hand what it was like growing up without a mother. As her grandmother would say, “You just get a little extra love from me.”

Aubree just wanted to give Chanel a little extra love too, not that she really needed it. Unlike Aubree, Chanel had the love of her father, aunt, grandparents, Mrs. B, and any other people that Grant had in her life.

Chanel and Aubree were getting along fine with this new arrangement. It was Grant she was most worried about. Before accepting the job, Aubree remembered Grant’s final words in the text thread, “All I want is a nanny for Chanel…. For now.”

The “for now” is the part that Aubree was unsure about. They were finding their way with this new arrangement, but there had been a few mishaps that were making it hard to remember he was her employer and making “for now” seem like the past.


On baking day Aubree and Chanel made cookies and brownies that were mouthwatering, and Chanel wanted to take some to her father since they needed to go to Grant’s office. He forgot to sign the dance recital papers. The plan was to stop before dance class to get Grant to sign the papers, drop off the baked goodies, then head to dance class. When they arrived at the building, security immediately took them to the executive floor where Grant’s office was located. As soon as they stepped off the elevator, every man in the lobby area gave their undivided attention to Aubree. She forgot she was wearing her dance clothes, which today were more revealing than usual. Grant was walking toward the lobby with Allie and a group of executives when Chanel took off running toward him yelling “Daddy.”

He looked so sexy in his fitted tailored navy pinstriped suit; Aubree couldn’t take her eyes off him. These were the times she wished they were alone someplace just to be able to run her hands over his chiseled body that lay beneath the suit. Aubree wondered if it was possible to be jealous of the suit or jealous of the women that got to see him looking sexy and smelling heavenly. Grant’s eyes widened, and all that could be seen were teeth and dimples as he picked Chanel up. Aubree loved to watch the two of them together, looking so happy and with a love so pure. Chanel was talking to Grant then pointed in Aubree’s direction as if she was talking about Aubree. Grant took one look at Aubree, and she swore she saw something flash in his eyes before his face twisted up in a frown. Allie looked from Chanel to her and knew what Grant was frowning about and went into action.

“Hey Aubree, how are you today? Chanel said you all made brownies and cookies for us. I can’t wait to try them.” Allie started walking Aubree toward Grant’s office because every man in their view was watching her every move ready to pounce, including Grant. Mike that worked in accounting stopped them and asked Allie about her friend. Aubree declined the man’s offer for drinks later that evening. The look on his face told her that drinks were the last thing on his mind. They were stopped two more times before walking past the conference room where a meeting was wrapping up and the parties were coming out.

“Allison Hollings, it is always a pleasure running into you when I am here. Who is this beauty with you?” The man’s eyes roamed over Aubree’s body, lingering a little too long on her breasts and ass. Allie knew she had to get Aubree to Grant’s office before he caught up with them to catch Marcus trying to talk to Aubree.

“Marcus Perry, this is Aubree Rogers. Aubree, Marcus Perry,” Allie said quickly.

“Attorney Marcus Perry, lead counsel at Matthew & Johnson. Allie, where have you been hiding this friend? She is definitely not part of your regular crew.” Marcus was still holding Aubree’s hand when Grant and Chanel walked around the corner. Aubree pulled her hand away from Marcus’ hold.

“I feel like I know you from somewhere but not from around here. Do you dance?” Aubree visibly tensed and wondered what type of man would ask her that. Did he remember her from the Black Dungeon? Shit, this was not a good idea. She would get fired and embarrassed all in the same minute. What if he was one of the many men she had given a lap dance or let him feel her up?

Damn, life can’t be this cruel. Aubree’s stomach started to twist in knots; her hands were shaking, and she was going to pass out.

“Yes, she is a dancer. She is Chanel’s dance teacher. She works at Dawson Falls Premier Dance Academy. Are you hanging out with little girls in dance class now? We know you like them young.” Aubree was so glad Allie spoke up because fear paralyzed her just to know that her past was meeting her present about to destroy her future. Marcus pulled on his suit jacket and twisted his neck like he wanted to say more but remembered where he was.

“Allie, always here with the jokes. How is Fredrick doing?” Marcus briefly gazed at Allie with a smirk on his face. Allie and Fredrick had a complicated relationship thanks to their families. “Have you two set a date yet? I’m sure Mrs. Myers can’t wait until she becomes a grandmother.” Allie rolled her eyes at Marcus. Aubree knew she would have to ask her about Fredrick later.

“Aubree, I would love to take you out maybe for a cup of coffee or dinner. Here is my card, just let me know when we can make it a date.” Aubree smiled and took the card from Marcus trying to be polite and not embarrass him in front of everyone. Marcus was a business associate of Grant and Allie so there was no way she would get involved with him.

“Allison, Grant, and Ms. Chanel, you all have a good evening. Aubree, I hope to hear from you soon.” Marcus strolled toward the bank of elevators in the lobby area. Aubree would say that Marcus was a very handsome man, and he knew he was handsome.

“Chanel, go with Allie to her office so she can try the wonderful cookies and brownies you made, then take the rest to the kitchen for the others to sample.” Grant turned and looked directly at Aubree. “I need to speak with Aubree in my office.”

Once they made it in the office, Aubree could see the steam coming out of his ears and feel the tension rolling off him. Before Grant could say a word, Aubree interrupted.

“I am so sorry. I needed you to sign her dance recital papers, and Chanel really wanted to bring the cookies and brownies, and I thought since we were headed to dance class to stop by. I forgot about what I was wearing for class today. I promise I wasn’t trying to embarrass you or cause trouble. This won’t happen again. I will call if there is something you need to take care of next time.”

Grant picked up his phone and typed something, then turned to Aubree.

“Make sure this never happens again. If you need something for Chanel, you have my number… call me. I will make arrangements for you to meet me at the security desk or outside in the executive parking lot. Hollings Holdings is a major corporation and all employees are required to wear professional attire at all times.”

Aubree nodded her head in submission and exhaled the breath she was holding. Her nerves were shot knowing that this was the end of her employment. She had embarrassed Grant, Allie and Chanel being careless. Grant was going to fire her once he got home this evening she knew it. Chanel burst through the office door with Allie following closely behind her and handed Aubree a sweater for her to cover up her dance attire. The whole time Aubree was spilling her guts, Grant was texting Allie for something for her to wear. Aubree slipped the sweater on while Chanel told them about how she made the cookies and brownies. Grant’s eyes stayed on Aubree while she was putting on the sweater, and she was familiar with the look he was giving her. The look a man gives a woman when he desires her, longs for her. The same look Mike and Brandon gave her, but the difference is she wanted the look from Grant. Coughing and the sound of someone clearing their throat broke the trance between her and Grant. Allie looked between them with a smirk on her face.

“Okay Chanel, let’s get going before we are late.” Aubree grabbed Chanel’s hand as they began to walk out of the office. The quicker they could get out of Grant’s office and the building the better Aubree would feel. This would be the first and last time she brought Chanel to visit her father while he was at work.
