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Grant already knew who the voice belonged to before the man could say another word. He sat up with a deep sigh and looked at Aubree wishing that tonight would have been their time.

“I need to go see about my visitor,” Grant said.

“Okay, sure. Are you coming back?” It was a simple question that deserved a simple answer, one he couldn’t give.

“Mane, where are you? Grant, this is not funny?!” the man continued yelling. The doorknob started to move, and the unannounced visitor walked in. “Aye, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had company tonight.” It was Cameron.

“No, this is Chanel’s nanny, and she hurt her leg while dancing tonight. I was checking on her before you barged in yelling and shit,” Grant chastised. Aubree sat in silence watching what Grant would say next. He wasn’t willing to tell his friend they were watching a movie. So, she was just the nanny and dance teacher.

“Did you find him?” Another man entered the room that Aubree had never seen before. He was one of Grant’s close friends.

“So, what are y’all in here doing?” Cameron smirked. Grant and Aubree were sure Cameron and his other friend had an idea but wanted to be funny.

“Since Grant won’t introduce me,” the one with the milk chocolate skin laughed, “I’m Roland.” His friends could barely contain their laughter. From the doorway, it looked as if Grant was leaning over her, but if they took a step in the room they would see Grant’s fingers in her vagina.

“Okay, give me a minute, and I will be in the family room,” Grant sighed.

“We will see you in a minute. Are you sure that’s all you need?” They walked out of the snickering.

“I’m sorry about that. I honestly forgot about them coming over.” Grant apologetic eyes said it all.

“Okay, I guess you better go see about your company then.”

Grant was struggling because her pussy muscles had a grip on his fingers, and in his mind, he was envisioning what it would feel like on his dick.

“Can you… uhm… release my fingers so I can go?”

Aubree blushed. “Yes, they are your fingers.” Grant eased his hands from between her legs, rose from the bed and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

“Aggh! These cockblocking ass…”

Aubree couldn’t believe how close they were to the finish line only to have it taken away by Grant’s friends. She lay back on the bed, stared at the ceiling and wondered if she and Grant will ever have another opportunity to be allow again. Grant didn’t put up a fight to leave when his company arrived maybe that is a sign they needed to stop. She reached over in the nightstand and pulled out her now favorite sex toy to finish what the real Grant started.

Chapter 17

“So, what are you going to do?” Nova asked. Aubree showed up at Nova Moon looking ruffled and disheveled. As soon as she saw Nova the words about last night spilled from her mouth. Yesterday she thought she would finally get the opportunity to have the one person she desired, but Cameron and Roland put an end to that fantasy. She was so close to experiencing the type of pleasure she hadn’t felt in a long time, but that was ruined. Instead of having the real thing she had to settle for a plastic, vibrating substitute.

“I don’t know, maybe I should let last night stay in the past and move forward with dating Marcus. He is good looking, has a good paying job, and the conversations have been interesting and entertaining to say the least,” Aubree sighed.

“Really? You just described someone that you settle for, and this time around I will not allow you to settle for a man. You have had enough of those type of men. Besides, Marcus just wants to fuck you that’s why he is being so nice to you. Men will do anything if they really want the pussy, and Marcus is working overtime for you.” Nova sat near Aubree. “Look, last night you turned up the heat with the seduction, and Grant was ready to answer. Now you have to make it like an inferno, and he won’t refuse.”

“I don’t want to play games with Grant. I want him to come to me because he wants me not because I am playing games.”

“It’s not playing games. You gave him a sample last night, just keep feeding him a little more each day. Do the things he likes, wear the clothes that will turn him on, and continue to date. Let him see you with other men. Act like last night meant nothing to you. If he thought another man was able to do to you what he did, he would lose his mind. I happen to know that Grant is having some guys over to watch the game tonight, so let’s have a little fun. Go to my office, shower, and put on a little makeup. I have the perfect outfit for you to wear to render him speechless.” Nova smirked.

“We’re going to the house?” Aubree questioned.

“Yep, show some other men what you are working with just to turn his world upside down. Let’s go, sis.”

“How did you know Grant’s plans, and why are you doing this for me?” Aubree inquired.

“Cameron told me, and I want you to know that love doesn’t have to be painful. Love with the right person can be beautiful. I want that for you. You have suffered enough in the name of love with that fuck boy, Gerald. I believe you are good for Grant and Chanel, and they are good for you,” Nova finished with tears in her eyes.

As tears rolled down Aubree’s face, she wondered what she had done to deserve her friends because she hadn’t been a great friend to them.

“No crying, just go get ready.” Nova shooed Aubree toward her office to get ready.

Nova and Aubree drove their cars around the circular driveway to park in the rear near the mudroom door. There were several cars in the driveway which meant there had to be a small gathering. As they exited the car, Aubree adjusted her top as Nova tugged at her dress. At the store, Aubree decided on a powder blue short jumpsuit with puffy sleeves that left little to the imagination. She left the top four buttons open, and the shorts displayed the barest hint of her cheeks. The gold stilettoes and accessories added the finishing touch. Nova said Grant would approach her and stay by her side while she was in the house. Nova wore a fuchsia sexy short romper with matching stilettos. Aubree unlocked and opened the door to men yelling at the tv and game commentary reaching the door. They made their way through the sea of men to the family room where they spotted Grant and Cameron.
