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Being a dance teacher in an urban public school district provided a level of uncertainty and instability each year due to funding. Before the end of every school year Aubree would be called to a meeting with other Fine Arts teachers to discuss the possible cuts due to funding. Department leaders would say they were fighting for every program at every school to remain fully funded, but the only arts programs that remained fully funded were the music programs for vocal music, band, and orchestra. Those classes were required by the state; the rest of the classes were considered optional. Because of the instability with her position, and Gerald, Aubree decided to take a third-grade teaching position and continue to coach on the side. She had to start making some changes since she was the only person she had to depend on.

Aubree could still hear her grandma’s words from their last phone conversation.

“Only you will know when you are broken beyond repair. Are you broken yet?”

She wasn’t broken, but she definitely had cracks bursting open.

Chapter 3

Grandma Margrett would always say that bad things happened in threes. At the time Aubree knew she was talking about people that had passed away like Miss Lula Mae and Deacon Cole at church then Miss Edna that lived down the street. But Aubree also knew that it could mean events that happen in life before the light could shine through because it explained her life. From breaking into her hidden savings to survive, losing her position as a dance teacher, and now being homeless, she hoped this was her three, and now the good things would start to happen.

A couple of Aubree’s co-workers and dance team moms came to help her move out of her rental the week before school let out for the summer. She sold all the furniture she could, and what didn’t sell, they donated it to a local charity. Gerald’s personal items she left for his aunt and uncle to deal with except his prized Nike and Jordan tennis shoe collections. Every pair of tennis shoes that would yield a high dollar amount was sold on a website or to local sneaker heads. This was payback for all the money she had to take from her savings to make up for all she lost trying to survive. Since she would be staying in a fully furnished studio apartment, she only wanted her personal items. This was temporary housing until she was able to afford something on her own. Davis was allowing her to stay rent free to get back on her feet. She had money to cover deposits and first month’s rent without taking from her savings or paying another one of Gerald’s surprise debts. His latest surprise was the main reason she had to move in with Davis now.

Aubree would never forget the moment she became homeless. She turned on the street and saw three vehicles in the driveway. She thought that it was possibly Gerald with a new car because she only recognized one of the black Buck Enclaves that belonged to his Uncle Ray and Aunt Shirley. Ray and Shirley Coles took Gerald in after his mother, Linda, Shirley’s baby sister didn’t want a child. It was the one thing that Gerald and Aubree had in common—mother’s that didn’t want to be mothers. They gave Gerald everything he wanted because they didn’t want him to feel unloved. According to Shirley, he had suffered enough and needed all the love and support he could get. All that good love and support is why Aubree was struggling to survive. She tried to talk with them about Gerald’s disappearing acts and lack of responsibility, and Ray told her that she was the problem because she did not support Gerald in his choices. They didn’t really like Aubree and only tolerated her since Gerald wanted her.

The house was a small two-bedroom, one bathroom brick home that they rented from Gerald’s uncle because Gerald had gotten them put out of the condo they had for three years. Aubree barely put the car in park before she jumped out to get in the house. She was ready to whoop Gerald’s ass again in front of his aunt and uncle and whomever else was there. When she unlocked the door Gerald’s aunt and uncle were waiting for her in the house.

“When can we move in?”

Tilting her head with furrowed brows,what the hell did he mean ‘when we can move in’Aubree thought.

“Hey, Shirley and Ray. What are you guys doing here?” Aubree knew it couldn’t be good; the look on their faces told her it wasn’t good.. She could see a man and their property manager in the backyard talking.

“Aubree, we are here to evict you. You haven’t paid the rent in nine months, and we can’t afford to carry you anymore,” Shirley stated smugly, acting like she had been doing Aubree a favor.

Aubree couldn’t believe what they were saying. “No, that’s not true. I gave Gerald $950.00 at the beginning of every month before he left. He told me you wanted cash only, so I gave him cash. I have been giving Gerald the money to give to you every month until he said he would take care of the rent!” Aubree raised her voice, looking at them confused.

Uncle Ray spoke up. “We haven’t gotten a payment from Gerald since September. He said you were having some money problems, so we decided to cover for Gerald until things got better. Now we can’t do it anymore, ain’t gon’ do it anymore,” Uncle Ray said with much disgust.

“Look, we need to be able to rent this house out to people who can pay the rent. We will give you three weeks to have all your stuff out of the house. The new renters are moving in next month and we need to have the place cleaned for them.”

Aubree laughed bitterly, “Had I known Gerald stopped paying the rent I would have paid you long before now. Thank you for your hospitality, and because I am a woman of my word, I will send you the nine months of rent you didn’t receive.”

Aubree went to the bedroom and pulled out suitcases from the closet to pack some clothes and toiletries; she wasn’t going to stay in the house another minute. Grabbing her suitcases and bags from the bedroom and taking them to her Honda CRV, it took her five trips to get all her things in the back of her car. Once she finished, she dialed the one person she could depend on now.

“Sweet Pea, where are you? I thought we were going out tonight for drink, dicks, and fun… in that order,” Davis laughed in the phone. Aubree couldn’t even open her mouth to form the words to tell Davis. A sob released before she could say a word.

“Sweet Pea? What’s wrong? Where are you? Is Gerald back?” Davis was firing off more questions than Aubree could answer.

“I got evicted just now! Crying, Aubree told Davis what happened when she arrived home. “What am I going to do? Where am I going to go?” loudly sobbing, Aubree could hear those small cracking breaking even more.

“Babes, you are coming home with me. Everything will be okay.” If only Aubree could believe what Davis was saying.

Aubree dug in her bag for her car keys as she walked out of the school into the parking lot. The school year was officially over, and Aubree looked forward to the summer break. Even though she would be teaching summer school and coaching her dance teams, it was a break from the regular school day. The new school year would bring a different challenge with teaching third grade, but she was ready for anything that would bring stability in her life. Searching for her car keys, Aubree didn’t notice the dark figures standing by her car. Aubree continued rummaging through her purse as she approached her car.

“Breezy, girl you lookin’ finer every time I see you.” Aubree jumped at hearing her name and knowing the person who was calling her. Mario – the devil is what she called him because any time Mario was around doom and gloom followed. Gerald always had some stupid business plan with Mario that ended up costing her more than she had. And was now willing to give.

“Baby girl, where is he? If Gerald don’t have my money, then we have a problem because I don’t like being played.”

Aubree shook her head. “You better take that up with Gerald. I don’t know where he is. Gerald left going to Dallas months ago and hasn’t contacted me since.”

Frowning, Mario looked like the devil himself straight from the pits of hell. Mario and his goon Tone walked up on Aubree. “You and your man got me fucked up. Y’all fuckin’ with me and fuckin’ with my money, and that shit is punishable by death.” The foul smell of his breath caused Aubree to turn her head to keep from inhaling the stank odor.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, you need to find Gerald” Aubree tried not to sound as scared as she was. She didn’t know if he was going to kill or let her go. If she knew where Gerald was, she would drive them to him, but Gerald had been gone for months.

“Nah, I don’t think you understand. See, Gerald has a little drug habit, and instead of selling my shit he was snorting my product. So now I am confused because these mutherfuckers are tryna run game on me mane!”

Mario pulled a gun from behind him and pointed it at Aubree. “I should blow your brains out right here, right now, but that wouldn’t do me no good because I still won’t have my money.”
