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On Sunday, Aubree decided to go visit her grandmother since Grant had brunch scheduled with his family. Margrett had called multiple times over the weekend, but Aubree chose not to answer for fear her grandmother would ruin her time with Grant, so instead of calling her on the phone, she decided to visit. Either way she knew her Grandmama Margrett had some choice words to say, and she wouldn’t care about it being the Lord’s day. Aubree had not visited her grandmother like she had since she became live-in help for Grant and Chanel. The whole live-in situation bothered Margrett because she felt the outcome would be the same as it had with Diane—just a rich man’s whore. Aubree would have to prove that her not so defined relationship with Grant was not the same as her mother’s experiences with wealthy men in Dawson Falls. She gave herself a pep talk the entire drive to Margrett’s house and hoped the whole visit wouldn’t be negative. All she had was her grandmama and best friends, and their love mattered to her the most.

Before Aubree made her way to the door, Margrett was waiting with a smile on her face until Aubree got closer, and the smile was replaced with a frown.

“You slept with him, didn’t you?” Margrett didn’t give her a chance to respond before she went in on Aubree. This was what Aubree was afraid would happen as soon as Margrett saw her. Margrett knew when Aubree had her first kiss and lost her virginity with one look. Now she knew the truth about her and Grant.

“I knew this was going to happen as soon as you moved in with him. I told you to stay here and he could find someone to watch that child at night, but no… you just had to be there for Chanel. Now what, he gets to use you until he finds his real wife?” Grandmama Margrett stormed in the kitchen to start making their plates for dinner as Aubree followed behind her like a little child.

“I just don’t get why you refuse to listen to my warnings and believe this man is going to do something different. They are all the same… nothing has changed. He shows you a little attention, you fall for every line, compliment, and gift, and then you are in some hotel every weekend waiting for him to say you are the love of his life. One day the conversations, compliments, gifts, and weekend get-a-ways stop without any warning only to find out that he is engaged to another. I’m just trying to save you from the hurt and pain your mother experienced.” Grandmama Margrett had a haunting look in her eyes that said it was more than her mother’s experience. She didn’t know how to reassure her grandmama right now because she and Grant had not talked about their relationship. If there was a relationship.

“I just want you to accomplish the dreams that you have for yourself and not get caught up in another man. You are more than some man’s humping post to be at his beck and call. If he is truly a man that you feel worthy of your time, he can wait until you have achieved your goals. Be fair to yourself and Davis.” There was nothing Aubree could say at the moment, so she finished setting the table for dinner so they could eat and she could leave.

Dinner would have been a quiet affair if Cyrus hadn’t joined them and entertained throughout the evening. Aubree didn’t say much unless a question was directed to her. She wouldn’t be rude and not speak because she didn’t want to get back handed in her mouth. As Aubree prepared to leave the house Margrett and Cyrus walker her out to her car with some food and a suitcase of clothes. Cyrus put the items in the trunk of the car while Margrett watched.

“I see you are driving his car. It’s the least he can do if you are going to be laid up with him. Make sure you are taking birth control because I don’t need any great grandchildren that didn’t come from a marriage union,” Grandma Margrett huffed.

“Grandma, please stop. You have made it very clear to me how you feel about this situation. As a matter of fact, you have made it clear how you have a disdain for any relationship I have had be it Gerald or anyone else. At this point I don’t think there is anything that I have done or can do to make you proud of me. Since I’m going to end up like my mother, I might as well have fun before my life falls apart, right? Then I can come back here with my out-of-wedlock baby and live with you. Did I get that right?”


Before Aubree could blink Margrett had slapped her, but she deserved it for the way she spoke to her.

“Don’t come back when you leave this time. Don’t come back! You are not welcome here anymore since you have all the answers. I will not watch another child destroy her life for a good for nothing ass hole. Since you are grown, go live your life, but don’t coming running back to me when he leaves you for his hand-picked wife.” Tears stood in Aubree’s eyes as her grandma put her out for good. This time she wouldn’t come back no matter the outcome with her and Grant. She refused to be a whipping post for her grandma. Margrett walked back in the home slamming the door on Aubree and Cyrus.

“You know she doesn’t mean it. She just wants what’s best for you.” Cyrus watched Aubree with a look of pity.

“Well, what’s best for my life can’t be controlled by her, and it won’t always meet her approval. Thank you for helping me with my bags. You better go inside before she puts you out too.”

Aubree gave Cyrus a small smile and wave as she walked to her car. She looked at the house for any sign that her grandma was watching her, but she saw none. Starting the car, she backed out of the driveway and headed toward Nova’s boutique. All her life Grandma Margrett had talked about Diane to her and around her. Diane wasn’t perfect, but she still loved her mother and would do anything to have a moment with her again. But every time Aubree made a mistake, Grandma Margrett never let her forget what Diane had done and how she was going to be just like her mother.

Everything Aubree had done that didn’t align with her grandma’s vision for her was the fault of Diane and how she would be the same as Diane. First with Gerald, and now with Grant, she believed Aubree was headed down the same path as her mother. Grant hadn’t promised her anything so Margrett had no reason to think differently about him. Aubree turned to leave her grandma’s street when she saw a familiar blacked out SUV parked down the street. The doors of the vehicle opened, and the last people she expected to see exit the SUV were Mario and Tone. They looked directly at her, waved, and walked toward the Langton family home.

“No, No, No!” Aubree rushed out of the neighborhood as her stomach churned knowing that Mario and Tone knew where her grandma lived, and soon they were coming to collect what was long overdue to him.

Grant joined his family for Sunday dinner instead of brunch since Aubree left the house to check on her grandma. She didn’t seem too excited about checking in but knew she needed to see Margrett. He also knew she needed a break physically from all of the sexing they had engaged in the last couple of days. If they hadn’t left the house, Aubree would definitely be in his bed with him stretched out on top of her, legs intertwined, and bodies pumping to get to a release. Aubree let go of all inhibitions and submitted to the passion that took over her whole being while they were together. Nothing could have prepared him for being with her. Her moans and whimpers fueled the energy to continue their quest to ecstasy unknown. She was so responsive to every touch and whispered word on her beautiful brown skin…

“Grant, did you hear anything that I said to you? What’s going on with you today?” Katherine snapped. “You haven’t been at the dinner table with us. You know my rule; no business at the dinner table. This table is for family, not for board meetings and business dealings.”

Grant sighed, “Mother, I haven’t said anything about the business since I walked through the door. My apologies for not being as tuned in to the discussion at the table.” Katherine always assumed the only thing on Grant’s mind was the family business. Most of the time it was, but tonight only one person occupied his thoughts, and she wasn’t at the table.

Grant had to figure out how he could get some additional uninterrupted time with Aubree before Chanel came home tonight. Since she didn’t have school tomorrow due to a teacher professional learning day, maybe his mother would take her so he could take Aubree one more time. As the staff cleared the dinner table, the Hollings’ retired to the family room for desserts and more boring conversation. Before Allie and Grant made it to the room, Allie pulled Grant to into the study with a smirk gracing her face.

“So, how was your weekend? Do anything besides work? Maybe you were putting in the work?” Snickering, Allie watched Grant’s face.

“Yes, I went in the office for a brief moment, met up with Cam and Ro for some business dealings, but other than that, I just chilled.” Grant didn’t make eye contact with Allie because she would know he wasn’t telling the truth.

“Oh, really? Because I could have sworn I saw you banging in the kitchen without pots and pans with a willing assistant.” Laughing, Allie blocked Grant from leaving the study. “I mean was she able to walk out of the kitchen because the way her legs were spread up on the counter, I’m wondering if she will be able to teach dance classes this week.”

“Fuck you, Allie! I didn’t take you for the Peeping Tom type, and how in the hell do you know what I was doing in my kitchen?”

“Answer your phone the next time I call. I hadn’t heard from you and got concerned, but if I had known you were doing pipe work, then Chanel and I would have stayed away.”

“What?! You had Chanel with you! Damn… Did she see me? Fuck!” Panicking, Grant was unsure of how he could explain to Chanel what she saw. This was something he tried to shield Chanel from when he started dating.

“What must she think about Aubree? Do you think she saw us together?” Rubbing his hands over his hair, Grant had to think of a way to explain to Chanel what she saw without tarnishing her view of Aubree. The last thing he wanted to happen was Chanel think or feel differently about Aubree. The only woman she ever saw him with was Celeste, but there had been other women he entertained, just never at his house. Celeste was the one that attended various social events, business parties, and any other gatherings that he needed to have the proper plus one. When it came to Chanel, Celeste limited her interactions with her and only engaged in brief conversations about school and dance. She hadn’t taken the time to get to know Chanel for the amazing little girl she was becoming.

Celeste’s only concern was Grant and being his wife which would make her Chanel’s step mother if Grant every proposed. Her lack of interest in Chanel was the main reason he would not consider marrying Celeste. On the other hand, Aubree was all about Chanel and doing the things that a mother would do with a child. They danced together, baked cookies and brownies, played games that girls and mothers did all without thought of how silly she may look. Aubree did it to make Chanel happy to be the mother that she never had. Then there was the way she took care of Grant, preparing meals, taking care of the household, seeing to his emotional needs and now his physical needs.

“Relax, Chanel never came around to the backyard. I promise you she didn’t see anything, and I would never let her see you or Aubree in that way. Now, I hope this weekend gave you the time to make it official because there is no way you two will be able to hide it from Chanel.” Allie eyed him. “You did make it official, right?”
